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Delineating soil landscape facets from digital elevation models using compound topographic index in a geographic information system

X. Yang A B , G. A. Chapman A , J. M. Gray A and M. A. Young A
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A New South Wales Department of Environment and Climate Change (DECC), PO Box 3720, Parramatta, NSW 2124, Australia.

B Corresponding author. Email:

Australian Journal of Soil Research 45(8) 569-576
Submitted: 17 May 2007  Accepted: 16 October 2007   Published: 7 December 2007


Soil landscapes and their component facets (or sub-units) are fundamental information for land capability assessment and land use planning. The aim of the study was to delineate soil landscape facets from readily available digital elevation models (DEM) to assist soil constraint assessment for urban and regional planning in the coastal areas of New South Wales (NSW), Australia. The Compound Topographic Index (CTI) surfaces were computed from 25 m DEM using a D-infinity algorithm. The cumulative frequency distribution of CTI values within each soil landscape was examined to identify the values corresponding to the area specified for each unmapped facet within the soil landscape map unit. Then these threshold values and CTI surfaces were used to generate soil landscape facet maps for the entire coastal areas of NSW. Specific programs were developed for the above processes in a geographic information system so that they are automated, fast, and repeatable. The modelled facets were assessed by field validation and the overall accuracy reached 93%. The methodology developed in this study has been proven to be efficient in delineating soil landscape facets, and allowing for the identification of land constraints at levels of unprecedented detail for the coast of NSW.

Additional keywords: soil landscape, compound topographic index, terrain modelling, geographic information system, GIS.


This project was funded by the New South Wales Government and managed through the former Department of Natural Resources (DNR), now the Department of Environment and Climate Change (DECC). Many DNR staff, particularly the soil surveyors, contributed to this project and their efforts are greatly appreciated. We thank David Wainwright from WBM Pty Ltd for assistance with the facet division program and Professor David Tarboton from Utah State University for providing TauDEM program and useful comments.


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