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Soil organic matter in rainfed cropping systems of the Australian cereal belt

R. C. Dalal and K. Y. Chan
39(3) pp.435 - 464

167 articles found in Crossref database.

Conservation Agriculture: A Sustainable Approach for Soil Health and Food Security (2021)
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Soil carbon is only higher in the surface soil under minimum tillage in Vertosols and Chromosols of New South Wales North-West Slopes and Plains, Australia
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Soil Research. 2013 51(8). p.680
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Soil carbon and nitrogen dynamics in a Vertisol following 50 years of no-tillage, crop stubble retention and nitrogen fertilization
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Climate change mitigation potential of summer cowpea cover crops in Southern Australian cropping systems is limited
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Exploring influence factors in mapping soil organic carbon on low-relief agricultural lands using time series of remote sensing data
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Impact of agricultural management practices on the nutrient supply potential of soil organic matter under long-term farming systems
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A quantitative study of the influence of soil organic carbon and pore characteristics on the stability of aggregates of the karst peak-cluster depression area in Southwest China
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