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The pedogenesis of desert loam soils in the Barrier Range, western New South Wales. I. Soil parent materials

C.J. Chartres
20(4) pp.269 - 281

24 articles found in Crossref database.

Patterns of Land Degradation in Drylands (2014)
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The distribution of soluble cations within chenopod-patterned ground, arid western New South Wales, Australia
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Runoff and runon areas in a patterned chenopod shrubland, arid western New South Wales, Australia: characteristics and origin
Dunkerley D.L., Brown K.J.
Journal of Arid Environments. 1995 30(1). p.41
Fabric of soil derived from parna and the riddle of transported pellets
Cattle Stephen R., Smith Carol M. S.
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Hydrological complexity and climate implications in Australia’s arid zone: A decade of high-resolution rainfall observations
Acworth Ian, Bernardi Tony, Andersen Martin S., Rau Gabriel C.
Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies. 2024 51 p.101643
Aeolian influences on the soils and landforms of the southern Yilgarn Craton of semi-arid, southwestern Australia
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Geomorphology. 2004 59(1-4). p.215
Role of eolian dust deposits in landscape development and soil degradation in southeastern Australia
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Banded mosaic (‘tiger bush’) and sheetflow plains: A regional mapping approach
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Ecogeomorphology in the Australian drylands and the role of biota in mediating the effects of climate change on landscape processes and evolution
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Image acquisition for detection of vegetation change based on long-term rainfall in an arid rangeland in Western NSW, Australia
Amiraslani Farshad, Dragovich Deirdre
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The Rangeland Journal. 2011 33(2). p.153
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Earth Surface Processes and Landforms. 2008 33(2). p.226
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