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Use of barley straw residues to avoid high erosion and runoff rates on persimmon plantations in Eastern Spain under low frequency–high magnitude simulated rainfall events

Artemi Cerdà A K , Óscar González-Pelayo A , Antonio Giménez-Morera B , Antonio Jordán C , Paulo Pereira D , Agata Novara E , Eric C. Brevik F , Massimo Prosdocimi G , Majid Mahmoodabadi H , Saskia Keesstra I , Fuensanta García Orenes J and Coen J. Ritsema I
+ Author Affiliations
- Author Affiliations

A Soil Erosion and Degradation Research Group, Department of Geography, University of Valencia, Avenida de Blasco Ibáñez, 28, 46010 València, Spain.

B Departamento de Economía y Ciencias Sociales, Escuela politécnica superior de Alcoy, Universidad Politécnica de Valencia, Paseo del Viaducto, 1 03801 Alcoy, Alicante, Spain.

C MED_Soil Research Group, Department of Crystallography, Mineralogy and Agricultural Chemistry, University of Seville, Calle San Fernando 4, 41004 Sevilla, Spain.

D Department of Environmental Policy, Mykolas Romeris University, Ateities g. 20, LT-08303 Vilnius, Lithuania.

E Dipartimento dei Sistemi Agro-ambientali, University of Palermo, Viale delle Scienze, 90128 Palermo, Italy.

F Department of Natural Sciences, Dickinson State University, 291 Campus Drive, Dickinson, ND 58601, USA.

G Department of Land, Environment, Agriculture and Forestry, University of Padova, Agripolis, Viale dell’Università 16, 35020 Legnaro (PD), Italy.

H Dept. of Soil Science, Agriculture Faculty, Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman, PO Box, 76169133, Kerman, Iran.

I Soil Physics and Land Management Group, Wageningen University, Droevendaalsesteeg 4, 6708PB Wageningen, The Netherlands.

J Environmental Soil Science Group. Department of Agrochemistry and Environment. Miguel Hernández University, Avenida de la Universidad s/n, Elche, Alicante, Spain.

K Corresponding author. Email:;

Soil Research 54(2) 154-165
Submitted: 26 March 2015  Accepted: 2 October 2015   Published: 15 March 2016

170 articles found in Crossref database.

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Environmental Earth Sciences. 2018 77(17).
Assessing the WEPP model performance for predicting daily runoff in three terrestrial ecosystems in western Syria
Mohammed Safwan, Hussien Mais, Alsafadi Karam, Mokhtar Ali, Rianna Guido, Kbibo Issa, Barkat Mona, Talukdar Swapan, Szabó Szilárd, Harsanyi Endre
Heliyon. 2021 7(4). p.e06764
Rock fragments and soil hydrological processes: Significance and progress
Zhang Yinghu, Zhang Mingxiang, Niu Jianzhi, Li Hongli, Xiao Rong, Zheng Haijin, Bech Jaume
CATENA. 2016 147 p.153
Assessing Soil Properties Controlling Interrill Erosion: An Empirical Approach under Mediterranean Conditions
Ollobarren Del Barrio Paul, Giménez Rafael, Campo‐Bescós Miguel Ángel
Land Degradation & Development. 2017 28(5). p.1729
Soil Erosion as an Environmental Concern in Vineyards: The Case Study of Celler del Roure, Eastern Spain, by Means of Rainfall Simulation Experiments
Rodrigo-Comino Jesús, Keesstra Saskia, Cerdà Artemi
Beverages. 2018 4(2). p.31
Long-term effects of soil management on ecosystem services and soil loss estimation in olive grove top soils
Parras-Alcántara Luis, Lozano-García Beatriz, Keesstra Saskia, Cerdà Artemi, Brevik Eric C.
Science of The Total Environment. 2016 571 p.498
Coupled heat and moisture transfer and evaporation in mulched soils
Mahdavi Seyed Mohamad, Neyshabouri Mohammad Reza, Fujimaki Haruyuki, Majnooni Heris Abolfazl
CATENA. 2017 151 p.34
Direct rain splash and downwearing of internal surfaces as an important erosion process in alluvial gully development
Daley James S., Spencer John R., Brooks Andrew P., Stout Justin C., Thwaites Robin
CATENA. 2023 221 p.106760
Assessing hydrological connectivity of wetlands by dye-tracing experiment
Dai Liyi, Zhang Yinghu, Liu Ying, Xie Lumeng, Zhao Shiqiang, Zhang Zhenming, Xizhi Lv
Ecological Indicators. 2020 119 p.106840
Modelling Soil Detachment of Different Management Practices in the Red Soil Region of China
Wang Yi, Cao Longxi, Fan Jianbo, Lu Huizhong, Zhu Yayun, Gu Yalan, Sun Bo, Liang Yin
Land Degradation & Development. 2017 28(5). p.1496
Efficiency of four different seeded plants and native vegetation as cover crops in the control of soil and carbon losses by water erosion in olive orchards
Repullo‐Ruibérriz de Torres Miguel A., Ordóñez‐Fernández Rafaela, Giráldez Juan V., Márquez‐García Javier, Laguna Ana, Carbonell‐Bojollo Rosa
Land Degradation & Development. 2018 29(8). p.2278
Effect of In Situ Water Harvesting Techniques on Soil and Nutrient Losses in Semi‐Arid Northern Ethiopia
Grum Berhane, Assefa Dereje, Hessel Rudi, Woldearegay Kifle, Kessler Aad, Ritsema Coen, Geissen Violette
Land Degradation & Development. 2017 28(3). p.1016
Application Rate Influences the Soil and Water Conservation Effectiveness of Mulching with Chipped Branches
Pan Daili, Zhao Xining, Gao Xiaodong, Song Yaqian, Dyck Miles, Wu Pute, Li Yinjuan, Ma Longshuai
Soil Science Society of America Journal. 2018 82(2). p.447
Effects of rock fragment cover on hydrological processes under rainfall simulation in a semi‐arid region of China
Xia Lu, Song Xiaoyu, Fu Na, Cui Shengyu, Li Lanjun, Li Huaiyou, Li Yaolin
Hydrological Processes. 2018 32(6). p.792
Spatiotemporal evolution of rocky desertification and soil erosion in karst area of Chongqing and its driving factors
Chen Shidie, Wei Xingping, Cai Yunli, Li Hui, Li Liangxin, Pu Junbing
CATENA. 2024 242 p.108108
Testing the USLE-M Family of Models at the Sparacia Experimental Site in South Italy
Di Stefano Costanza, Ferro Vito, Pampalone Vincenzo
Journal of Hydrologic Engineering. 2017 22(8).
Nitrogen losses in vineyards under different types of soil groundcover. A field runoff simulator approach in central Spain
García-Díaz Andrés, Bienes Ramón, Sastre Blanca, Novara Agata, Gristina Luciano, Cerdà Artemi
Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment. 2017 236 p.256
The impact of standard preparation practice on the runoff and soil erosion rates under laboratory conditions
Khaledi Darvishan Abdulvahed, Homayounfar Vafa, Sadeghi Seyed Hamidreza
Solid Earth. 2016 7(5). p.1293
Carbon input threshold for soil carbon budget optimization in eroding vineyards
García-Díaz Andrés, Allas Ramón Bienes, Gristina Luciano, Cerdà Artemio, Pereira Paulo, Novara Agata
Geoderma. 2016 271 p.144
Wood chips as soil conservation in field conditions
Gholami Leila, Khaledi Darvishan Abdulvahed, Kavian Ataollah
Arabian Journal of Geosciences. 2016 9(19).
Gully Erosion Studies from India and Surrounding Regions (2020)
Senapati Ujjal, Das Tapan Kumar
Effectiveness and Durability of Polyacrylamide (PAM) and Polysaccharide (Jag C 162) in Reducing Soil Erosion under Simulated Rainfalls
Lu Shaojuan, Wang Zhanli, Hu Yaxian, Liu Baoyuan, Liu Jun’e
Water. 2018 10(3). p.257
The Development of a new virtual croplands erosion measurement system using three-dimensional laser scanner and empirical Kostiakov-Lewis models
Castañeda-Miranda Alejandro, Alemán-Ayala Karina, Castaño-Meneses Victor M.
Optics & Laser Technology. 2019 117 p.316
Soil and organic carbon losses from varying land uses: a global meta‐analysis
Abdalla Khatab, Mutema Macdex, Hill Trevor
Geographical Research. 2020 58(2). p.167
Natural And Human-Induced Land Degradation And Its Impact Using Geospatial Approach In The Kallar Watershed Of Tamil Nadu, India
Rahaman S. Abdul, Solavagounder Aruchamy
Contrasted Impact of Land Abandonment on Soil Erosion in Mediterranean Agriculture Fields
Pedosphere. 2018 28(4). p.617
Short-term effects of post-fire soil mulching with wheat straw and wood chips on the enzymatic activities in a Mediterranean pine forest
Ortega Raúl, Miralles Isabel, Soria Rocío, Rodríguez-Berbel Natalia, Villafuerte Ana B., Zema Demetrio Antonio, Lucas-Borja Manuel Esteban
Science of The Total Environment. 2023 857 p.159489
Management of pruning residues for soil protection in olive orchards
Moreno‐García Manuel, Repullo‐Ruibérriz de Torres Miguel Angel, Carbonell‐Bojollo Rosa María, Ordóñez‐Fernández Rafaela
Land Degradation & Development. 2018 29(9). p.2975
Soil erosion in Mediterranean chestnut tree plantations at risk due to climate change and land abandonment
Barrena-González Jesús, Lozano-Parra Javier, Alfonso-Torreño Alberto, Lozano-Fondón Carlos, Abdennour Mohamed Amine, Cerdà Artemi, Pulido-Fernández Manuel
Central European Forestry Journal. 2020 66(2). p.85
Effects of ground cover management on improving water and soil conservation in tree crop systems: A meta-analysis
Liu Rui, Thomas Ben W., Shi Xiaojun, Zhang Xueliang, Wang Zhichao, Zhang Yuting
CATENA. 2021 199 p.105085
The role of tillage and crops on a soil loss of an arable Stagnic Luvisol
Kisic Ivica, Bogunovic Igor, Birkás Márta, Jurisic Aleksandra, Spalevic Velibor
Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science. 2017 63(3). p.403
Decadal Nitrogen Fertilization Decreases Mineral‐Associated and Subsoil Carbon: A 32‐Year Study
Shahbaz Muhammad, Kuzyakov Yakov, Maqsood Shafique, Wendland Matthias, Heitkamp Felix
Land Degradation & Development. 2017 28(4). p.1463
Integrated Environmental Management and Planning based on Soil Erosion Susceptibility Scenarios
Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciências. 2021 93(4).
Impact of straw and rock-fragment mulches on soil moisture and early growth of holm oaks in a semiarid area
Jiménez M.N., Pinto J.R., Ripoll M.A., Sánchez-Miranda A., Navarro F.B.
CATENA. 2017 152 p.198
Impact of rainfall intensity on the hydrological performance of erosion control geotextiles
Kalibová Jana, Petrů Jan, Jačka Lukáš
Environmental Earth Sciences. 2017 76(12).
The Food Security, Biodiversity, and Climate Nexus (2022)
Aldabbagh Balqees, Auda Jabbar Briahi, Alesa Hanaa, Adnan N., Hmaizah O.
Landscaping compromises for land degradation neutrality: The case of soil erosion in a Mediterranean agricultural landscape
Smetanová Anna, Follain Stéphane, David Mélodie, Ciampalini Rossano, Raclot Damien, Crabit Armand, Le Bissonnais Yves
Journal of Environmental Management. 2019 235 p.282
Assessment and Monitoring of Soil Degradation during Land Use Change Using Multivariate Analysis
Khaledian Yones, Kiani Farshad, Ebrahimi Soheila, Brevik Eric C., Aitkenhead‐Peterson Jacqueline
Land Degradation & Development. 2017 28(1). p.128
Spatial Prediction of Erosion Risk of a Small Mountainous Watershed Using RUSLE: A Case-Study of the Palar Sub-Watershed in Kodaikanal, South India
Sujatha Evangelin Ramani, Sridhar Venkataramana
Water. 2018 10(11). p.1608
Effects of length and application rate of rice straw mulch on surface runoff and soil loss under laboratory simulated rainfall
Parhizkar Misagh, Shabanpour Mahmood, Lucas-Borja Manuel Esteban, Zema Demetrio Antonio, Li Siyue, Tanaka Nobuaki, Cerdà Artemio
International Journal of Sediment Research. 2021 36(4). p.468
Combined role of ground cover management in altering orchard surface‒subsurface erosion and associated carbon–nitrogen-phosphorus loss
Tian Liang, Liu Yaojun, Ma Yichun, Duan Jian, Chen Fangxin, Deng Yusong, Zhu Huade, Li Zhongwu
Environmental Science and Pollution Research. 2023 31(4). p.5655
Reducing soil loss using surface application of stem juices
Wei Xia, Huang Chihua, Wei Ning, Zhao Hengce, Wang Tao
Land Degradation & Development. 2018 29(6). p.1705
Soils and Landscape Restoration (2021)
Prescott C.E., Katzensteiner K., Weston C.
CO<sub>2</sub> emission and structural characteristics of two calcareous soils amended with municipal solid waste and plant residue
Yazdanpanah N.
Solid Earth. 2016 7(1). p.105
Analyzing long-term soil erosion in a ridge-shaped persimmon plantation in eastern Spain by means of ISUM measurements
Bayat Farhad, Monfared Ali Bayat, Jahansooz Mohammad Reza, Esparza Enric Terol, Keshavarzi Ali, Morera Antonio Giménez, Fernández Manuel Pulido, Cerdà Artemi
CATENA. 2019 183 p.104176
Improving soil properties and grains yield of winter wheat and summer corn under residue management strategies
Gao Fei, Hu Juan, Ren Baizhao, Liu Peng, Zhao Bin, Zhang Jiwang
Agronomy Journal. 2020 112(5). p.4287
Effects of Deep and Shallow Tillage with Straw Incorporation on Soil Organic Carbon, Total Nitrogen and Enzyme Activities in Northeast China
Tian Ping, Lian Hongli, Wang Zhengyu, Jiang Ying, Li Congfeng, Sui Pengxiang, Qi Hua
Sustainability. 2020 12(20). p.8679
A Quantitative Method for Long-Term Water Erosion Impacts on Productivity with a Lack of Field Experiments: A Case Study in Huaihe Watershed, China
Lin Degen, Guo Hao, Lian Fang, Gao Yuan, Yue Yaojie, Wang Jing’ai
Sustainability. 2016 8(7). p.675
Mulching practices for reducing soil water erosion: A review
Prosdocimi Massimo, Tarolli Paolo, Cerdà Artemi
Earth-Science Reviews. 2016 161 p.191
Experimental investigation of a digital electromechanical system to measure soil bulk density in a silty clay soil under different solarisation practices
Al-Shammary Ahmed Abed Gatea, Kouzani Abbas, Mouazen Abdul M.
Computers and Electronics in Agriculture. 2019 166 p.104983
Soil Management Effects on Soil Water Erosion and Runoff in Central Syria—A Comparative Evaluation of General Linear Model and Random Forest Regression
Mohammed Safwan, Al-Ebraheem Ali, Holb Imre J., Alsafadi Karam, Dikkeh Mohammad, Pham Quoc Bao, Linh Nguyen Thi Thuy, Szabo Szilard
Water. 2020 12(9). p.2529
A smartphone camera for the structure from motion reconstruction for measuring soil surface variations and soil loss due to erosion
Vinci A., Todisco F., Brigante R., Mannocchi F., Radicioni F.
Hydrology Research. 2017 48(3). p.673
Soil erosion in sloping vineyards assessed by using botanical indicators and sediment collectors in the Ruwer-Mosel valley
Rodrigo Comino J., Quiquerez A., Follain S., Raclot D., Le Bissonnais Y., Casalí J., Giménez R., Cerdà A., Keesstra S.D., Brevik E.C., Pereira P., Senciales J.M., Seeger M., Ruiz Sinoga J.D., Ries J.B.
Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment. 2016 233 p.158
Benefits of adding forestry clearance residues for the soil and vegetation of a Mediterranean mountain forest
Hueso-González P., Martínez-Murillo J.F., Ruiz-Sinoga J.D.
Science of The Total Environment. 2018 615 p.796
The role of straw mulching in shaping rills and stabilizing rill network under simulated extreme rainfall
He Tao, Yang Yang, Peng Tingting, Wang Ying, Zhang Guanghui, Chen Xinyi, Liu Yingna, Liu Baoyuan
Soil and Tillage Research. 2023 229 p.105656
Modeling Sediment Yield in Semi‐Arid Pasture Micro‐Catchments, NW Iran
Vaezi Ali Reza, Abbasi Mohammad, Bussi Gianbattista, Keesstra Saskia
Land Degradation & Development. 2017 28(4). p.1274
Efficacy of mulch and tillage options to reduce runoff and soil loss from asparagus interrows
Niziolomski Joanna C., Simmons Robert W., Jane Rickson R., Hann Mike J.
CATENA. 2020 191 p.104557
Seed Mass, Shape and Dormancy in Arid Temperate Degraded Grassland in Northeastern Inner Mongolia, China
Wang Zhengning, Qian Jianqiang, Liu Bo
Land Degradation & Development. 2017 28(3). p.887
Soil macrofauna and organic matter in irrigated orchards under Mediterranean climate
Walmsley Alena, Cerdà Artemi
Biological Agriculture & Horticulture. 2017 33(4). p.247
Interrill erodibility in relation to aggregate size class in a semi-arid soil under simulated rainfalls
Vaezi Ali Reza, Eslami Seyedeh Fatemeh, Keesstra Saskia
CATENA. 2018 167 p.385
Vineyard Compost Supplemented with Trichoderma Harzianum T78 Improve Saline Soil Quality
Mbarki Sonia, Cerdà Artemi, Brestic Marian, Mahendra Rai, Abdelly Chedly, Pascual Jose Antonio
Land Degradation & Development. 2017 28(3). p.1028
Effectiveness of the application of rice straw mulching strips in reducing runoff and soil loss: Laboratory soil flume experiments under simulated rainfall
Abrantes João R.C.B., Prats Sérgio A., Keizer J. Jacob, de Lima João L.M.P.
Soil and Tillage Research. 2018 180 p.238
Changes in Erosion and Runoff due to Replacement of Pasture Land with Sugarcane Crops
Youlton Cristian, Wendland Edson, Anache Jamil, Poblete-Echeverría Carlos, Dabney Seth
Sustainability. 2016 8(7). p.685
Applying the USLE Family of Models at the Sparacia (South Italy) Experimental Site
Di Stefano Costanza, Ferro Vito, Pampalone Vincenzo
Land Degradation & Development. 2017 28(3). p.994
Assessment of Physical and Structural Properties of Straw Residues and Chicken Manure Used as Organic Additives in Agricultural Soils
Merheb Caroline, Chatila Jean
Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition. 2023 23(4). p.5312
Testing Sediment Connectivity at the Experimental SPA2 Basin, Sicily (Italy)
Di Stefano Costanza, Ferro Vito
Land Degradation & Development. 2017 28(7). p.1992
Critical pH and exchangeable Al of four acidic soils derived from different parent materials for maize crops
Baquy M. Abdulaha-Al, Li Jiu-Yu, Jiang Jun, Mehmood Khalid, Shi Ren-Yong, Xu Ren-Kou
Journal of Soils and Sediments. 2018 18(4). p.1490
Weed strip management for minimizing soil erosion and enhancing productivity in the sloping lands of north-eastern India
Lenka Narendra Kumar, Satapathy K.K., Lal Rattan, Singh R.K., Singh N.A.K., Agrawal P.K., Choudhury P., Rathore A.
Soil and Tillage Research. 2017 170 p.104
The role of organic amendments in drylands restoration
Hueso-González P., Muñoz-Rojas M., Martínez-Murillo J.F.
Current Opinion in Environmental Science & Health. 2018 5 p.1
Assessing the effect of water harvesting techniques on event-based hydrological responses and sediment yield at a catchment scale in northern Ethiopia using the Limburg Soil Erosion Model (LISEM)
Grum Berhane, Woldearegay Kifle, Hessel Rudi, Baartman Jantiene E.M., Abdulkadir Mohammed, Yazew Eyasu, Kessler Aad, Ritsema Coen J., Geissen Violette
CATENA. 2017 159 p.20
Predicting maximum annual values of event soil loss by USLE-type models
Bagarello V., Di Stefano C., Ferro V., Pampalone V.
CATENA. 2017 155 p.10
Evaluation of runoff and soil erosion under conventional tillage and no-till management: A case study in northeast Italy
Carretta Laura, Tarolli Paolo, Cardinali Alessandra, Nasta Paolo, Romano Nunzio, Masin Roberta
CATENA. 2021 197 p.104972

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