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A quantitative assessment of phosphorus forms in some Australian soils

A. L. Doolette A C , R. J. Smernik A and W. J. Dougherty B
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- Author Affiliations

A School of Agriculture, Food and Wine, University of Adelaide, Waite Campus, Urrbrae, SA 5064, Australia.

B Department of Primary Industries, Industry and Investment New South Wales, Locked Bag 4, Richmond, NSW 2753, Australia.

C Corresponding author. Email:

Soil Research 49(2) 152-165
Submitted: 21 April 2010  Accepted: 2 September 2010   Published: 10 March 2011

57 articles found in Crossref database.

New insights into sorption and desorption of organic phosphorus on goethite, gibbsite, kaolinite and montmorillonite
Amadou Issifou, Faucon Michel-Pierre, Houben David
Applied Geochemistry. 2022 143 p.105378
Identification of RNA Hydrolysis Products in NaOH-EDTA Extracts using31P NMR Spectroscopy
Smernik Ronald J., Doolette Ashlea L., Noack Sarah R.
Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis. 2015 46(21). p.2746
Quantitative analysis of 31P NMR spectra of soil extracts – dealing with overlap of broad and sharp signals
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Magnetic Resonance in Chemistry. 2015 53(9). p.679
Spectral sensitivity of solution 31P NMR spectroscopy is improved by narrowing the soil to solution ratio to 1:4 for pasture soils of low organic P content
McLaren Timothy I., Smernik Ronald J., Simpson Richard J., McLaughlin Michael J., McBeath Therese M., Guppy Christopher N., Richardson Alan E.
Geoderma. 2015 257-258 p.48
Preliminary validation of a sequential fractionation method to study phosphorus chemistry in a calcareous soil
Audette Yuki, O'Halloran Ivan P., Evans Les J., Voroney R. Paul
Chemosphere. 2016 152 p.369
Identification of lower-order inositol phosphates (IP<sub>5</sub> and IP<sub>4</sub>) in soil extracts as determined by hypobromite oxidation and solution <sup>31</sup>P NMR spectroscopy
Reusser Jolanda E., Verel René, Zindel Daniel, Frossard Emmanuel, McLaren Timothy I.
Biogeosciences. 2020 17(20). p.5079
Organic phosphorus of soils under cacao agroforests in the Atlantic coast of Brazil
Aleixo Seldon, Gama-Rodrigues Antonio Carlos, Gama-Rodrigues Emanuela Forestieri, Schripsema Jan
Geoderma Regional. 2019 17 p.e00220
Long-term addition of organic fertilizers has little effect on soil organic phosphorus as characterized by 31P NMR spectroscopy and enzyme additions
Annaheim K.E., Doolette A.L., Smernik R.J., Mayer J., Oberson A., Frossard E., Bünemann E.K.
Geoderma. 2015 257-258 p.67
31P NMR spectroscopy and structural models of soil organic phosphorus under Eucalyptus
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Organic phosphorus speciation in Australian Red Chromosols: stoichiometric control
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Soil Research. 2016 54(1). p.11
Effects of companion crops and tillage on soil phosphorus in a Brazilian oxisol: a chemical and 31P NMR spectroscopy study
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Long‐term Changes in Grassland Soil Phosphorus with Fertilizer Application and Withdrawal
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Journal of Environmental Quality. 2017 46(3). p.537
Transformation of organic phosphorus compounds during 1500 years of organic soil formation in Bavarian Alpine forests – A 31P NMR study
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Geoderma. 2019 340 p.192
Precision of the Anion Exchange Membrane Phosphorus Technique When Using a Range of Low-Ionic Solutions in Analysis of Heterogeneous Mine Soils
Drake Jessica, Macdonald Bennett, Fitzsimons Lorna
Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis. 2014 45(6). p.829
100 Years of superphosphate addition to pasture in an acid soil—current nutrient status and future management
Schefe Cassandra R., Barlow Kirsten M., Robinson Nathan J., Crawford Douglas M., McLaren Timothy I., Smernik Ronald J., Croatto George, Walsh Ronald D., Kitching Matt
Soil Research. 2015 53(6). p.662
Control of inorganic and organic phosphorus molecules on microbial activity, and the stoichiometry of nutrient cycling in soils in an arid, agricultural ecosystem
Chavez-Ortiz Pamela, Larsen John, Olmedo-Alvarez Gabriela, García-Oliva Felipe
PeerJ. 2024 12 p.e18140
Can soil phosphorus availability in tropical forest systems be increased by nitrogen-fixing leguminous trees?
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Science of The Total Environment. 2020 712 p.136405
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Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems. 2020 116(2). p.151
How long-term excessive manure application affects soil phosphorous species and risk of phosphorous loss in fluvo-aquic soil
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Using organic phosphorus to sustain pasture productivity: A perspective
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The composition of organic phosphorus in soils of the Snowy Mountains region of south-eastern Australia
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Plant and Soil. 2018 427(1-2). p.5
Using poultry litter for cotton phosphorus nutrition in Australia
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Characterization of phosphorus compounds in soils by deep ultraviolet (DUV) Raman microspectroscopy
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Land use and soil factors affecting accumulation of phosphorus species in temperate soils
Stutter Marc I., Shand Charles A., George Timothy S., Blackwell Martin S.A., Dixon Liz, Bol Roland, MacKay Regina L., Richardson Alan E., Condron Leo M., Haygarth Philip M.
Geoderma. 2015 257-258 p.29
Strategies to acquire and use phosphorus in phosphorus-impoverished and fire-prone environments
Lambers Hans, de Britto Costa Patrícia, Cawthray Gregory R., Denton Matthew D., Finnegan Patrick M., Hayes Patrick E., Oliveira Rafael S., Power Simon C., Ranathunge Kosala, Shen Qi, Wang Xiao, Zhong Hongtao
Plant and Soil. 2022 476(1-2). p.133
Distribution Characteristics of Soil Organic Phosphorus Fractions in the Inner Mongolia Steppe
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Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition. 2020 20(4). p.2394
Soil phosphomonoesters in large molecular weight material comprise multiple components
McLaren Timothy I., Verel René, Frossard Emmanuel
Soil Science Society of America Journal. 2022 86(2). p.345
Combining diffusive gradients in thin‐films (DGT) and 31P NMR spectroscopy to determine phosphorus species in soil
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Agricultural & Environmental Letters. 2022 7(1).
Comparison of the Methods for Quantifying Organic Phosphorus in Turkey Litter Compost
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Soil Science Society of America Journal. 2015 79(6). p.1521
Overestimation of the importance of phytate in NaOH–EDTA soil extracts as assessed by 31P NMR analyses
Doolette Ashlea L., Smernik Ronald J., Dougherty Warwick J.
Organic Geochemistry. 2011 42(8). p.955
Characterisation of soil organic phosphorus in NaOH-EDTA extracts: A comparison of 31P NMR spectroscopy and enzyme addition assays
Jarosch Klaus A., Doolette Ashlea L., Smernik Ronald J., Tamburini Federica, Frossard Emmanuel, Bünemann Else K.
Soil Biology and Biochemistry. 2015 91 p.298
Partitioning of phosphorus between biochemical and storage compounds in leaves follows a consistent pattern across four Australian genera growing in native settings
McQuillan Maximilian, Smernik Ronald J., Doolette Ashlea L.
Plant and Soil. 2020 454(1-2). p.57
Phosphorus forms in soil solution and leachate of contrasting soil profiles and their implications for P mobility
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Li Xiaolu, Guo Minli, Duan Xiaodi, Zhao Jianwei, Hua Yumei, Zhou Yiyong, Liu Guanglong, Dionysiou Dionysios D.
Environment International. 2019 130 p.104916
Improving Sensitivity of Solution31P NMR Analysis in Australian Xeralfs
Moata Melinda R. S., Smernik Ronald J., Doolette Ashlea L., McNeill Ann M., Macdonald Lynne M.
Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis. 2015 46(8). p.1034
Applied Manure and Nutrient Chemistry for Sustainable Agriculture and Environment (2014)
Giles Courtney D., Cade-Menun Barbara J.
Dissolved reactive phosphorus played a limited role in phosphorus transport via runoff, throughflow and leaching on contrasting cropping soils from southwest Australia
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Science of The Total Environment. 2017 577 p.33
Characterizing phosphorus forms in cropland soils with solution 31P-NMR: past studies and future research needs
Cade-Menun Barbara J.
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Characterization of fluvo-aquic soil phosphorus affected by long-term fertilization using solution 31P NMR spectroscopy
Xin Xiuli, Zhang Xianfeng, Chu Wenying, Mao Jingdong, Yang Wenliang, Zhu Anning, Zhang Jiabao, Zhong Xinyue
Science of The Total Environment. 2019 692 p.89
van Duynhoven John, van Velzen Ewoud, Jacobs Doris M.
The Organic P Composition of Vertisols as Determined by 31P NMR Spectroscopy
McLaren Timothy I., Smernik Ronald J., Guppy Christopher N., Bell Mike J., Tighe Matthew K.
Soil Science Society of America Journal. 2014 78(6). p.1893
Quantitative measures of myo-IP6 in soil using solution 31P NMR spectroscopy and spectral deconvolution fitting including a broad signal
Reusser Jolanda E., Verel René, Frossard Emmanuel, McLaren Timothy I.
Environmental Science: Processes & Impacts. 2020 22(4). p.1084
Xylomelum occidentale (Proteaceae) accesses relatively mobile soil organic phosphorus without releasing carboxylates
Zhong Hongtao, Zhou Jun, Azmi Azrul, Arruda André J., Doolette Ashlea L., Smernik Ronald J., Lambers Hans, Gibson David
Journal of Ecology. 2021 109(1). p.246

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