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Producing biochars with enhanced surface activity through alkaline pretreatment of feedstocks

K. Hina A , P. Bishop A , M. Camps Arbestain A E , R. Calvelo-Pereira B , J. A. Maciá-Agulló C , J. Hindmarsh D , J. A. Hanly A , F. Macías B and M. J. Hedley A
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A Institute of Natural Resources, Private Bag 11222, Massey University, Palmerston North 4442, New Zealand.

B Departamento de Edafología y Química Agrícola, Facultad de Biología, Universidad de Santiago de Compostela, 15782-Santiago, Spain.

C Instituto Nacional del Carbón (CSIC), Apartado 73, 33080-Oviedo, Spain.

D Institute of Food, Nutrition and Human Health, Massey University, Palmerston North 4442, New Zealand.

E Corresponding author. Email:

Australian Journal of Soil Research 48(7) 606-617
Submitted: 5 January 2010  Accepted: 14 May 2010   Published: 28 September 2010

55 articles found in Crossref database.

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Herath H.M.S.K., Camps-Arbestain Marta, Hedley Mike
Geoderma. 2013 209-210 p.188
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Soil Use and Management. 2015 31(1). p.52
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Sanford Joseph R., Larson Rebecca A.
Agronomy. 2020 10(7). p.979
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Water Environment Research. 2019 91(1). p.32
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Calvelo Pereira R., Camps Arbestain M., Kaal J., Vazquez Sueiro M., Sevilla M., Hindmarsh J.
European Journal of Soil Science. 2014 65(1). p.83
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European Journal of Soil Science. 2022 73(1).
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Effectiveness and mechanisms of hydrogen sulfide adsorption by camphor-derived biochar
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Biochar and sugar cane filter cake interaction on physical and hydrological soil properties under tropical field conditions
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The potential value of biochar in the mitigation of gaseous emission of nitrogen
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Biochar and Conservation Agriculture Nexus: Synergy and Research Gaps for Enhanced Sustainable Productivity in Degraded Soils—Review
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Design of a surface response model to determine the optimal value for wood volume in Acacia mangium Willd, by applying different doses of biochar to the soil
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Production of silicon compounds and fulvic acids from cotton wastes biochar using chemical depolymerization
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Mixed Hardwood and Sugarcane Bagasse Biochar as Potting Mix Components for Container Tomato and Basil Seedling Production
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Contribution to characterisation of biochar to estimate the labile fraction of carbon
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Impact of Three Types of Biochar on the Hydrological Properties of Eroded and Depositional Landscape Positions
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