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Influence of biochar use on sugarcane growth, soil parameters, and groundwater quality

Yan Chen A C , Yoshiyuki Shinogi A and Masahiko Taira B
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A National Agriculture and Food Research Organization, National Institute for Rural Engineering, 2-1-6 Kannondai, Tsukuba-shi, Ibaraki 305-8609, Japan.

B Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, Okinawa Prefectural Government, 517 Yamakawa, Haebaru-Cho, Okinawa 901-1115, Japan.

C Corresponding author. Email:

Australian Journal of Soil Research 48(7) 526-530
Submitted: 5 January 2010  Accepted: 5 May 2010   Published: 28 September 2010

100 articles found in Crossref database.

Effect of Biochar on Microorganisms Quantity and Soil Physicochemical Property in Rhizosphere of Spinach (Spinacia oleracea L.)
Han Guang Ming, Meng Jun, Zhang Wei Ming, Chen Wen Fu
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Impact of biochar on nitrate accumulation in an alkaline soil
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Biochar Amendment of Soils According to their Physicochemical Properties
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Properties of a clay soil from 1.5 to 3.5years after biochar application and the impact on rice yield
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Assisted phytostabilization of a multicontaminated mine technosol using biochar amendment: Early stage evaluation of biochar feedstock and particle size effects on As and Pb accumulation of two Salicaceae species (Salix viminalis and Populus euramericana)
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Chemosphere. 2018 194 p.316
Research progress of biochar on agricultural soil improvement
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Effects of Biochar on Soil Microbial Biomass after Four Years of Consecutive Application in the North China Plain
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The effects of biochar addition on soil physicochemical properties: A review
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Characterization of biochars produced from seven biomasses grown in three different climate zones
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Xia Hao, Riaz Muhammad, Babar Saba, Yan Lei, Li Yuxuan, Wang Xiangling, Wang Jiyuan, Jiang Cuncang
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A state-of-the-art review on modeling the biochar effect: Guidelines for beginners
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Assessing the potential of using biochar in mine rehabilitation under elevated atmospheric CO2 concentration
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Corn growth and nitrogen nutrition after additions of biochars with varying properties to a temperate soil
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Properties of biochars derived from different straw at 500℃ pyrolytic temperature: Implications for their use to improving acidic soil water retention
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Effect of Biochar Type and Amendment Rates on Soil Physicochemical Properties: Potential Application in Bioengineered Structures
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Biochar improves soil quality and N2-fixation and reduces net ecosystem CO2 exchange in a dryland legume-cereal cropping system
Azeem Muhammad, Hayat Rifat, Hussain Qaiser, Ahmed Mukhtar, Pan Genxing, Ibrahim Tahir Muhammad, Imran Muhammad, Irfan Muhammad, Mehmood-ul-Hassan
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Methane emissions and rice yield in a paddy soil: the effect of biochar and polystyrene microplastics interaction
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