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Interpretation of a single-point P buffering index for adjusting critical levels of the Colwell soil P test

P. W. Moody A
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A Natural Resource Sciences, Queensland Department of Natural Resources and Water, Indooroopilly, Qld 4068, Australia. Email:

Australian Journal of Soil Research 45(1) 55-62
Submitted: 1 May 2006  Accepted: 20 November 2006   Published: 14 February 2007

87 articles found in Crossref database.

Combined application of nitrogen and phosphorus to enhance nitrogen use efficiency and close the wheat yield gap on varying soils in semi‐arid conditions
McBeath Therese M., Gupta Vadakattu V. S. R., Llewellyn Rick S., Mason Sean D., Davoren Christopher W., Correll Raymond L., Jones Ben, Whitbread Anthony M.
Journal of Agronomy and Crop Science. 2019 205(6). p.635
Soil extension needs to be a continuum of learning; soil workshop reflections 10 years on
Andersson Karl O., Orgill Susan E., Ingram Julie
Soil Use and Management. 2019 35(1). p.117
Influence of sample depth on extractable nutrient concentrations, pH and the phosphorus buffering index of pasture soils in south-eastern Australia
Coad J. R., Burkitt L. L., Gourley C. J. P.
Soil Research. 2010 48(4). p.355
Plant availability of phosphorus from fluid fertiliser is maintained under soil moisture deficit in non-calcareous soils of south-eastern Australia
Officer S. J., Armstrong R. D., Norton R. M.
Soil Research. 2009 47(1). p.103
Potential for foliar phosphorus fertilisation of dryland cereal crops: a review
Noack S. R., McBeath T. M., McLaughlin M. J.
Crop and Pasture Science. 2010 61(8). p.659
Determining the optimum range of soil Olsen P for high P use efficiency, crop yield, and soil fertility in three typical cropland soils
WU Qihua, ZHANG Shuxiang, FENG Gu, ZHU Ping, HUANG Shaomin, WANG Boren, XU Minggang
Pedosphere. 2020 30(6). p.832
Management of soil phosphorus fertility determines the phosphorus budget of a temperate grazing system and is the key to improving phosphorus efficiency
Simpson Richard J., Stefanski Adam, Marshall David J., Moore Andrew D., Richardson Alan E.
Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment. 2015 212 p.263
Quantifying total phosphorus accumulation below-ground by canola and lupin plants using 33P-labelling
Foyjunnessa , McNeill Ann, Doolette Ashlea, Mason Sean, McLaughlin Mike J.
Plant and Soil. 2016 401(1-2). p.39
A pragmatic parameterisation and calibration approach to model hydrology and water quality of agricultural landscapes and catchments
Ghahramani Afshin, Freebairn David M., Sena Dipaka R., Cutajar Justin L., Silburn David M.
Environmental Modelling & Software. 2020 130 p.104733
Critical phosphorus values from the Better Fertiliser Decisions for Pastures project: early insights from validation trials
Rogers David, Weaver David, Summers Robert, Dobbe Eric, Master Ronald, McFerran Robert, Mussell Graham, Dawson Luke, Mercy Justin, Richards Peta, Holtham Deborah
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Modelling the optimal phosphate fertiliser and soil management strategy for crops
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Soil Research. 2011 49(6). p.523
Phytotoxicity of soilborne glyphosate residues is influenced by the method of phosphorus fertiliser application
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Plant and Soil. 2018 422(1-2). p.455
Intrinsic capacity for nutrient foraging predicts critical external phosphorus requirement of 12 pasture legumes
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Agronomic soil tests can be used to estimate dissolved reactive phosphorus loss
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Wastewater-Derived Struvite has the Potential to Substitute for Soluble Phosphorus Fertiliser for Growth of Chickpea and Wheat
Sharma Manish, Pang Jiayin, Mickan Bede S., Ryan Megan H., Jenkins Sasha N., Siddique Kadambot H. M.
Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition. 2024 24(2). p.3011
Management of crop residues affects the transfer of phosphorus to plant and soil pools: Results from a dual-labelling experiment
Noack Sarah R., McBeath Therese M., McLaughlin Mike J., Smernik Ronald J., Armstrong Roger D.
Soil Biology and Biochemistry. 2014 71 p.31
Valuable phosphorus retained by ironstone gravels can be measured as bicarbonate extractable P
Weaver David, Summers Robert, Schweizer Steffen, Leopold Matthias, Scanlan Craig
Geoderma. 2022 418 p.115862
Diffusive Gradients in Thin Films as a Reference Method for Assessing Soil Phosphorus by Visual and Near‐Infrared Spectroscopy
van Maarschalkerweerd Marie, Gao Songjuan, Bai Jinshun, Husted Søren, Cao Weidong, Holm Peter E.
Journal of Environmental Quality. 2016 45(6). p.2060
Phosphorus Pools and Plant Uptake in Manure-Amended Soil
Li Juqi, Marschner Petra
Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition. 2019 19(1). p.175
Approaching environmental phosphorus limits on a volcanic soil of Southern Chile
Mejías J.H., Alfaro M., Harsh J.
Geoderma. 2013 207-208 p.49
Phosphorus fertiliser value of sewage sludge ash applied to soils differing in phosphate buffering and phosphate sorption capacity
Battisti Michela, Simpson Richard J., Stefanski Adam, Richardson Alan E., Haling Rebecca E.
Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems. 2022 124(2). p.279
Scope to improve phosphorus (P) management and balance efficiency of crop and pasture soils with contrasting P status and buffering indices
Weaver David M., Wong Mike T. F.
Plant and Soil. 2011 349(1-2). p.37
Pasture plants and soil fertility management to improve the efficiency of phosphorus fertiliser use in temperate grassland systems
Simpson Richard J., Richardson Alan E., Nichols Shirley N., Crush James R.
Crop and Pasture Science. 2014 65(6). p.556
Soil acidity and nutrient deficiency cause poor legume nodulation in the permanent pasture and mixed farming zones of south-eastern Australia
Hackney B. F., Jenkins J., Powells J., Edwards C. E., De Meyer S., Howieson J. G., Yates R. J., Orgill S. E.
Crop and Pasture Science. 2019 70(12). p.1128
Factors influencing the soil-test calibration for Colwell P and wheat under winter-dominant rainfall
Conyers Mark, Bell Richard, Bell Michael
Crop and Pasture Science. 2020 71(2). p.113
Phosphorus speciation in mature wheat and canola plants as affected by phosphorus supply
Noack Sarah R., McLaughlin Mike J., Smernik Ronald J., McBeath Therese M., Armstrong Roger D.
Plant and Soil. 2014 378(1-2). p.125
Wheat Response to Foliar-Applied Phosphorus Is Determined by Soil Phosphorus Buffering
Malik Raj, Scanlan Craig, van Burgel Andrew, Singh Balwinder
Agronomy. 2024 14(8). p.1630
Use of handheld mid-infrared spectroscopy and partial least-squares regression for the prediction of the phosphorus buffering index in Australian soils
Forrester Sean T., Janik Les J., Soriano-Disla José M., Mason Sean, Burkitt Lucy, Moody Phil, Gourley Cameron J. P., McLaughlin Michael J.
Soil Research. 2015 53(1). p.67
Field benchmarking of the critical external phosphorus requirements of pasture legumes for southern Australia
Sandral Graeme A., Price Andrew, Hildebrand Shane M., Fuller Christopher G., Haling Rebecca E., Stefanski Adam, Yang Zongjian, Culvenor Richard A., Ryan Megan H., Kidd Daniel R., Diffey Simon, Lambers Hans, Simpson Richard J.
Crop and Pasture Science. 2019 70(12). p.1080
Soil phosphorus–crop response calibration relationships and criteria for winter cereal crops grown in Australia
Bell Richard, Reuter Douglas, Scott Brendan, Sparrow Leigh, Strong Wayne, Chen the late Wen
Crop and Pasture Science. 2013 64(5). p.480
Predicting soil test phosphorus decrease in non‐P‐fertilized conditions
Appelhans Stefania C., Carciochi Walter D., Correndo Adrian, Gutierrez Boem Flavio H., Salvagiotti Fernando, Garcia Fernando O., Melchiori Ricardo J.M., Barbagelata Pedro A., Ventimiglia Luis A., Ferraris Gustavo N., Vivas Hugo S., Caviglia Octavio P., Ciampitti Ignacio A.
European Journal of Soil Science. 2021 72(1). p.254
Relationships between commonly-used South African and international soil phosphorus extraction tests on pristine and cultivated soils
White VG, Hardie AG, Raath PJ
South African Journal of Plant and Soil. 2020 37(4). p.265
Soil test measures of available P (Colwell, resin and DGT) compared with plant P uptake using isotope dilution
Mason Sean D., McLaughlin Mike J., Johnston Caroline, McNeill Ann
Plant and Soil. 2013 373(1-2). p.711
Phosphorus uptake benefit for wheat following legume break crops in semi-arid Australian farming systems
Doolette Ashlea, Armstrong Roger, Tang Caixian, Guppy Chris, Mason Sean, McNeill Ann
Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems. 2019 113(3). p.247
Phosphorus availability in chicken manure is lower with increased stockpiling period, despite a larger orthophosphate content
Peirce C. A. E., Smernik R. J., McBeath T. M.
Plant and Soil. 2013 373(1-2). p.359
The interaction between soil pH and phosphorus for wheat yield and the impact of lime-induced changes to soil aluminium and potassium
Scanlan Craig A., Brennan Ross F., D'Antuono Mario F., Sarre Gavin A.
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Modeling time-dependent phosphate buffering capacity in different soils as affected by bicarbonate and silicate ions
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Impact of Contrasting Rates of Phosphate Fertiliser Addition in Two Vertisols: Effects of Fresh Application and Residual Fertiliser on Sorption and Plant Uptake
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Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition. 2024 24(3). p.4373
Agronomic management options for phosphorus in Australian dryland organic and low-input cropping systems
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Soluble phosphate in fluctuating groundwater under cropping in the north-eastern wet tropics of Australia
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Modelling crop response to phosphorus inputs and phosphorus use efficiency in a crop rotation
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Assessing the ability of soil tests to estimate labile phosphorus in agricultural soils: Evidence from isotopic exchange
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Soil phosphorus sorption capacity dictates the effect of elevated CO2 on soil and plant critical phosphorus levels for wheat growth
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Wheat leaf properties affecting the absorption and subsequent translocation of foliar-applied phosphoric acid fertiliser
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Use of biochar as a possible means of minimizing phosphate fixation and external P requirement of acidic soil
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Converting reactive iron, reactive aluminium, and phosphorus retention index (PRI) to the phosphorus buffering index (PBI) for sandy soils of south-western Australia
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The development and application of functions describing pasture yield responses to phosphorus, potassium and sulfur in Australia using meta-data analysis and derived soil-test calibration relationships
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Soil phosphorus tests II: A comparison of soil test–crop response relationships for different soil tests and wheat
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Phosphorus status and saturation in soils that drain into the Peel Inlet and Harvey Estuary of Western Australia
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The use of DGT for prediction of plant available copper, zinc and phosphorus in agricultural soils
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Optimization of the diffusive gradients in thin films (DGT) method for simultaneous assay of potassium and plant-available phosphorus in soils
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