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Dairy pasture responses to soil physical properties

J. J. Drewry, R. P. Littlejohn, R. J. Paton, P. L. Singleton, R. M. Monaghan and L. C. Smith
42(1) pp.99 - 105

23 articles found in Crossref database.

Soil quality and plant yield under dryland and irrigated winter forage crops grazed by sheep or cattle
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Soil Research. 2009 47(5). p.470
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Geoderma. 2008 146(3-4). p.466
Land use effects on soil hydraulic properties and the contribution of soil organic carbon
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Journal of Hydrology. 2021 602 p.126741
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The Journal of Agricultural Science. 2011 149(3). p.337
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Geoderma. 2009 149(3-4). p.298
Issues and options for future dairy farming in New Zealand
Clark D. A., Caradus J. R., Monaghan R. M., Sharp P., Thorrold B. S.
New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research. 2007 50(2). p.203
Effect of irrigation on soil physical properties on temperate pastoral farms: a regional New Zealand study
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Effects of irrigation on soil physical properties in predominantly pastoral farming systems: a review
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