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Alteration of groundwater and sediment geochemistry in a sulfidic backswamp due to Melaleuca quinquenervia encroachment

S. G. Johnston, P. G. Slavich and P. Hirst
41(7) pp.1343 - 1367

39 articles found in Crossref database.

Large Methane Emissions From Tree Stems Complicate the Wetland Methane Budget
Jeffrey L. C., Moras C. A., Tait D. R., Johnston S. G., Call M., Sippo J. Z., Jeffrey N. C., Laicher‐Edwards D., Maher D. T.
Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences. 2023 128(12).
Changes in surface water quality after inundation of acid sulfate soils of different vegetation cover
Johnston S. G., Slavich P. G., Hirst P.
Soil Research. 2005 43(1). p.1
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Ahern Kathleen S., Udy James W., Pointon Shane M.
Marine and Freshwater Research. 2006 57(2). p.177
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Plant and Soil. 2011 349(1-2). p.183
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Huang J., Wong V. N. L., Triantafilis J.
Soil Use and Management. 2014 30(3). p.394
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Rogers Kerrylee, Lal Kirti K., Asbridge Emma F., Dwyer Patrick G., Fennessy Siobhan
Marine and Freshwater Research. 2022 74(3). p.177
The impact of controlled tidal exchange on drainage water quality in acid sulphate soil backswamps
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Agricultural Water Management. 2005 73(2). p.87
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Arid Land Research and Management. 2006 20(2). p.101
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Geoderma. 2015 239-240 p.47
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Agricultural Water Management. 2004 69(1). p.43
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Applied Geochemistry. 2008 23(9). p.2759
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Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science. 2010 87(1). p.73
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Australian Zoologist. 2011 35(3). p.788
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Claff Salirian R., Burton Edward D., Sullivan Leigh A., Bush Richard T.
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