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The determination of labile cadmium in some biosolids-amended soils by isotope dilution plasma mass spectrometry

C. W. Gray, R. G. McLaren and J. Shiowatana
41(3) pp.589 - 597

19 articles found in Crossref database.

Using isotopic dilution to assess chemical extraction of labile Ni, Cu, Zn, Cd and Pb in soils
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Khoshgoftarmanesh Amir H., Chaney Rufus L.
Journal of Environmental Quality. 2007 36(4). p.1132
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Assessment of lead availability in contaminated soil using isotope dilution techniques
Tongtavee N., Shiowatana J., McLaren Ronald G., Gray Colin W.
Science of The Total Environment. 2005 348(1-3). p.244
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Gäbler H.‐E., Bahr A., Heidkamp A., Utermann J.
European Journal of Soil Science. 2007 58(3). p.746
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Black A., Mclaren R. G., Reichman S. M., Speir T. W., Condron L. M.
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Current literature in mass spectrometry
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