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Improving the field estimation of saturated hydraulic conductivity in soil survey

Neil McKenzie and David Jacquier
35(4) pp.803 - 827

72 articles found in Crossref database.

Scaling Relationships between Saturated Hydraulic Conductivity and Soil Physical Properties
Zeleke Takele B., Si Bing Cheng
Soil Science Society of America Journal. 2005 69(6). p.1691
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Geoderma. 2006 136(1-2). p.272
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Pachepsky Y.A., Rawls W.J., Lin H.S.
Geoderma. 2006 131(3-4). p.308
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O’Connell D.A, Ryan P.J, McKenzie N.J, Ringrose-Voase A.J
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Soil Science Society of America Journal. 2011 75(3). p.807
From pedotransfer functions to soil inference systems
McBratney Alex B, Minasny Budiman, Cattle Stephen R, Vervoort R.Willem
Geoderma. 2002 109(1-2). p.41
The hydrology of Vertosols used for cotton production: II. Pedotransfer functions to predict hydraulic properties
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Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis. 2000 31(11-14). p.1553
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Soil Science Society of America Journal. 2007 71(6). p.1676
Soil structure and pedotransfer functions
Pachepsky Y.A., Rawls W.J.
European Journal of Soil Science. 2003 54(3). p.443
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Soil Consistence and Structure as Predictors of Water Retention
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Soil Science Society of America Journal. 2002 66(4). p.1115
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Field Application of a Portable Air Permeameter to Characterize Spatial Variability in Air and Water Permeability
Iversen Bo V., Moldrup Per, Schjønning Per, Jacobsen Ole H.
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Field-saturated hydraulic conductivity estimated using class numbers of soil survey
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Development of Pedotransfer Functions in Soil Hydrology (2004)
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Probabilistic Approach to the Identification of Input Variables to Estimate Hydraulic Conductivity
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Development of Pedotransfer Functions in Soil Hydrology (2004)
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Pedotransfer Functions in Earth System Science: Challenges and Perspectives
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Using soil knowledge for the evaluation of mid‐infrared diffuse reflectance spectroscopy for predicting soil physical and mechanical properties
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Application of Soil Physics in Environmental Analyses (2014)
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Developing Pedotransfer Functions for Predicting FC and PWP
Honarbakhsh Afshin, Tahmoures Mohammad, Ostovari Yaser, Noroozi Somaye
Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis. 2017 48(21). p.2485
Exploring the variation in soil saturated hydraulic conductivity under a tropical rainforest using the wavelet transform
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The transferability of Australian pedotransfer functions for predicting water retention characteristics of French soils
Cresswell H. P., Coquet Y., Bruand A., McKenzie N. J.
Soil Use and Management. 2006 22(1). p.62

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