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Initial soil pH affects the pH at which nitrification ceases due to self-induced acidification of microbial microsites

D. T. Strong, P. W. G. Sale and K. R. Helyar
35(3) pp.565 - 570

30 articles found in Crossref database.

Dinâmica do nitrogênio no solo em razão da calagem e adubação nitrogenada, com palha na superfície
Rosolem Ciro Antonio, Foloni José Salvador Simoneti, Oliveira Rosa Honorato de
Pesquisa Agropecuária Brasileira. 2003 38(2). p.301
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Japanese Journal of Nematology. 2009 39(2). p.53
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Baker Kate L., Langenheder Silke, Nicol Graeme W., Ricketts Dean, Killham Kenneth, Campbell Colin D., Prosser James I.
Soil Biology and Biochemistry. 2009 41(11). p.2292
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Hinsinger Philippe, Bengough A. Glyn, Vetterlein Doris, Young Iain M.
Plant and Soil. 2009 321(1-2). p.117
Nitrification in acid soils: micro-organisms and mechanisms
De Boer W, Kowalchuk G.A
Soil Biology and Biochemistry. 2001 33(7-8). p.853
Nano-scale secondary ion mass spectrometry — A new analytical tool in biogeochemistry and soil ecology: A review article
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Soil Biology and Biochemistry. 2007 39(8). p.1835
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Revista Ceres. 2015 62(3). p.294
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Nunan Naoise, Young Iain M., Crawford John W., Ritz Karl
Young I.M., Crawford J.W., Nunan N., Otten W., Spiers A.
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