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The South Pacific Journal of Natural and Applied Sciences The South Pacific Journal of Natural and Applied Sciences Society
Research and review papers in the area of science, engineering and mathematics

A linear regression approach in the determination of work standards for a manufacturing organisation

S.A. Oke

The South Pacific Journal of Natural Science 25(1) 30 - 36
Published: 28 March 2008


In semi-automated roofing sheets manufacturing plants, production managers receive large orders, which most often, are to be delivered within scheduled delivery dates; failure to deliver orders incurs penalty costs and litigation charges. The challenge therefore for the production manager is to be able to predict product completion period and map available labour man-hours to production of roofing sheet orders. This paper presents a linear regression model for setting up work standards for a roofing sheet manufacturing plant. Linear regression is a relatively established technique in scientific investigations, but new in its applied form to work standards, particularly in roofing sheets manufacturing operations standards setting. The accuracy of the model was determined by the least square method, and the result suggests the feasibility of applying a model in the case presented. Thus, the contribution of this paper lies in the application of a known technique in a new area. The utility of the tool is in its ability to provide useful information for production planning and implementation purposes in the roofing sheets plants.

Keywords: work standards, regression model, roofing sheets, performance

© The University of the South Pacific 2008

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