Embracing biodiversity: multispecies population genomics of leafless Bossiaea species shows novel taxa, population dynamics and conservation strategies
Eilish S. McMaster

Leafless Bossiaea species are a unique group of plants endemic to Australia that present intriguing challenges in taxonomy and conservation because of their morphological simplicity and often small, disjunct populations. We employed whole genome reduced representation sequencing (DArTseq) to enhance our understanding of the population dynamics, diversity and taxonomy of leafless Bossiaea species. Our dataset comprised 52,539 single-nucleotide polymorphisms across 283 samples from 7 leafless Bossiaea species, including 6 listed threatened species. We examined population structure, phylogenetic relationships, kinship and gene flow within and among populations. On the basis of our population-genomic analyses, we propose recognition of the novel taxon Bossiaea vombata subsp. orientalis and a change in status from species (B. milesiae) to subspecies for B. fragrans subsp. milesiae. Additionally, we show extensive clonal reproduction across species and limited gene flow at distances of >1 km, shedding light on the challenges faced by these species. We advocate a coordinated approach to conservation, focusing on restoring self-sustaining populations and leveraging genetic rescue strategies. By addressing the population dynamics of multiple species simultaneously in taxonomically challenging lineages, we can make informed choices to safeguard biodiversity and evolutionary potential.
Keywords: Bossiaea, conservation, conservation genetics, DArTseq, Fabaceae, Faboideae, genomics, population genetics, taxonomy.
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