Australian Systematic Botany
Volume 3 Number 1 1990
SB9900021Trees from sequences: panacea or pandora's box?
D Penny, MD Hendy, EA Zimmer and RK Hamby
pp. 21-38
SB9900047The utility of isozymes in the systematics of some Australian tree groups
GF Moran, JC Bell and S Prober
pp. 47-57
SB9900059Systematic and evolutionary inferences from isozyme studies in the genus Eremaea (Myrtaceae)
DJ Coates and RJ Hnatiuk
pp. 59-74
SB9900081A primaeval origin for plant and animal haemoglobins?
CA Appleby, ES Dennis and WJ Peacock
pp. 81-89
SB9900091A protein sequence study of the dicotyledons and its relevance to the evolution of the legumes and nitrogen fixation
PG Martin and JM Dowd
pp. 91-100
SB9900101Ribosomal RNA nucleotide sequence: a comparison of newer methods used for its determination, and its use in phylogenetic analysis
PR Baverstock and AM Johnson
pp. 101-110
SB9900111From population genetics to phylogeny: Uses and limits of mitochondrial DNA
RH Crozier
pp. 111-124
SB9900125Analysis of a polyploid complex in Glycine with chloroplast and nuclear DNA
JJ Doyle, JL Doyle and AHD Brown
pp. 125-136
SB9900159Old versus new characters for systematics: Cautionary tales from virology
A Gibbs, A Ding, J Howe, P Keese, A MacKenzie, M Skotnicki, P Srifah and M Torronen
pp. 159-163