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Australian Systematic Botany Australian Systematic Botany Society
Taxonomy, biogeography and evolution of plants

New Names for Verrucispora and its Species

DE Shaw and JL Alcorn

Australian Systematic Botany 6(3) 273 - 276
Published: 1993


The generic name Verrucispora Shaw & Alcorn (Deuteromycotina) differs from that of Verrucispora E. Horak (Basidiomycotina) by only one letter, and the latter has precedence. Therefore, in accordance with requirements of the International Code of Botanical Nomenclature, the following changes have been made: Verrucispora becomes Verrucisporota nom. nov., based on Verrucisporota proteacearum comb. nov. Four other species of Verrucispora described by various authors become Verrucisporota brideliae comb. nov., Stenella smilacicola nom. nov., Sirosporim inclicum comb. nov., and Pseudocercospora luculiae comb. nov.

© CSIRO 1993

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