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Australian Systematic Botany Australian Systematic Botany Society
Taxonomy, biogeography and evolution of plants

Some dematiaceous hyphomycetes from branches and phyllodes on Acacia in Australia

BC Sutton and IG Pascoe

Australian Systematic Botany 1(2) 127 - 138
Published: 1988


Four dematiaceous hyphomycetes associated with grey colonies on stems and branches and 1 species associated with necrotic phyllode lesions of Acacia spp. are described and illustrated. Corynespora alternarioides on stems of A. mitchellii differs from previously described species in having muriform obpyriform conidia and non-proliferating conidiogenous cells. Corynespora queenslandica is associated with distinct lesions on phyllodes of A. leiocalyx, A. concurrens and A. aulacocarpa and again has non-proliferating conidiogenous cells but long filiform conidia. Sporidesmium corrugatescens on stems of A. dealbata combines micronematous conidiophores and distoseptate verrucose conidia. Janetia refugia on stems of A. elata has finely verruculose distoseptate conidia, the basal cell of which is darker and protuberant, and short conidiogenous cells which are more deeply pigmented towards the apices, while J. canescens on stems of A. fimbriata and A. linifolia has polyblastic conidiogenous cells and pyriform to cylindrical conidia in which the base is more darkly pigmented and the walls are distinctly invaginated at the distosepta.

© CSIRO 1988

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