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Australian Systematic Botany Australian Systematic Botany Society
Taxonomy, biogeography and evolution of plants

Revision of Leptosema (Fabaceae: Mirbelieae)

Australian Systematic Botany 12(1) 1 - 54
Published: 1999


Leptosema has 13 species with pea-flowers modified forbird-pollination. It is endemic to Australia, being distributed widely in thewest, centre, north and north-east of the continent. This paper is a monographof the genus. Updated cladistic and biogeographic analyses are presented and,based on the former, a new classification is formalised. Taxa described as neware Leptosema sect. Leptosema, L.ser. Callipetalum, L. cervicorneCrisp, L chapmanii Crisp,L. villosum Crisp, L. sect.Oolobium Crisp and L. ser.Pereostemon Crisp. New combinations or ranks are madefor L. aphyllum (Hook.) Crisp,L. macrocarpum (Benth.) Crisp, L.tomentosum (Benth.) Crisp,L. uniflorum (R.Br. ex Benth.) Crisp, andL. sect. Burgesia (F.Muell.)Crisp. Lectotypes are chosen for the synonymsBrachysema aphyllum Hook.,B. chambersii (F.Muell.) F.Muell. ex Benth.,B. macrocarpum Benth.,B. oxylobioides (F.Muell.) Benth.,B. uniflorum R.Br. ex Benth.,Burgesia homaloclada F.Muell.,Jacksonia anomala Ewart & Morrison,J. petrophiloides W.Fitzg. andTempletonia regina J.L.Drumm.

© CSIRO 1999

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