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Australian Systematic Botany Australian Systematic Botany Society
Taxonomy, biogeography and evolution of plants

Articles citing this paper

A review of the systematics and phylogeny of the African Proteaceae

J. P. Rourke
11(4) pp.267 - 285

18 articles found in Crossref database.

Flowering Plants (2009)
Chloroplast DNA inheritance and variation in Leucadendron species (Proteaceae) as revealed by PCR-RFLP
Pharmawati M., Yan G., Sedgley R., Finnegan P. M.
Theoretical and Applied Genetics. 2004 109(8). p.1694
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Sauquet Hervé, Weston Peter H., Barker Nigel P., Anderson Cajsa Lisa, Cantrill David J., Savolainen Vincent
Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution. 2009 51(1). p.31
Adaptive responses to directional trait selection in the Miocene enabled Cape proteas to colonize the savanna grasslands
Lamont Byron B., He Tianhua, Downes Katherine S.
Evolutionary Ecology. 2013 27(6). p.1099
Taxonomic patterns in the distribution of polyols within the Proteaceae
Bieleski R. L., Briggs B. G.
Australian Journal of Botany. 2005 53(3). p.205
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Roets Francois, de Beer Z. Wilhelm, Dreyer Léanne L., Zipfel Renate, Crous Pedro W., Wingfield Michael J.
Studies in Mycology. 2006 55 p.199
Molecular phylogenetics and origins of southern African Oxalis
Oberlander Kenneth C., Dreyer Léanne L, Bellstedt Dirk U.
TAXON. 2011 60(6). p.1667
Horticultural Reviews (2006)
Ben‐Jaacov Jaacov, Silber Avner
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Mast Austin R., Willis Crystal L., Jones Eric H., Downs Katherine M., Weston Peter H.
American Journal of Botany. 2008 95(7). p.843
Phanerozoic evolution of plants on the African plate
Burgoyne P.M., van Wyk A.E., Anderson J.M., Schrire B.D.
Journal of African Earth Sciences. 2005 43(1-3). p.13
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Weston P. H.
Valente Luis M., Reeves Gail, Schnitzler Jan, Mason Ilana Pizer, Fay Michael F., Rebelo Tony G., Chase Mark W., Barraclough Timothy G.
Evolution. 2010 64(3). p.745
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Carbutt Clinton, Edwards Trevor J.
South African Journal of Botany. 2015 98 p.64
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Fungal radiation in the Cape Floristic Region: An analysis based on Gondwanamyces and Ophiostoma
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Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution. 2009 51(1). p.111
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PeerJ. 2021 9 p.e11916
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Roets F., Dreyer L.L., Crous P.W., Cowling R.M.
South African Journal of Botany. 2005 71(3-4). p.307

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