The Rangeland Journal
Volume 14 Number 2 1992
RJ9920092The original mammal fauna and some information on the original bird fauna of Uluru National Park, Northern Territory.
A Baynes and RF Baird
pp. 92-106
RJ9920107The decline of the Brushtail Possum, Trichosurus vulpecula (Kerr 1798), in arid Australia.
JA Kerle, JN Foulkes, RG Kimber and D Papenfus
pp. 107-127
RJ9920128Patterns of waterbird use in wetlands of the Paroo, A river system of inland Australia.
MT Maher and LW Braithwaite
pp. 128-142
RJ9920174Comparing two views of the landscape: Aboriginal traditional ecological knowledge and modern scientific knowledge.
LM Baker and Community Mutitjulu
pp. 174-189