The Australian Rangeland Journal
Volume 5 Number 2 1983
RJ9830048Production characteristics of an open range cattle herd in South-East Pilbara region of Western Australia.
HG Gardiner, KR Shackleton and JG Morrissey
pp. 48-53
RJ9830054A population model for Noogoora Burr (Xanthium occidentale).
RJ Martin and JA Carnahan
pp. 54-62
RJ9830063The application of Landsat image data to rangeland assessment and monitoring: An example from South Australia.
RD Graetz, MR Gentle, RP Pech, JF O'Callaghan and G Drewien
pp. 63-73
RJ9830074 The supplementary feeding of sheep consuming Mulga (Acacia aneura) with low levels of molasses and urea under field conditions.
DR Niven and KW Entwistle
pp. 74-78
RJ9830079The effect of prior history of superphosphate application and stocking rate on faecal and nutrient distribution on grazed natural pastures.
GG Robinson, RDB Whaley and JA Taylor
pp. 79-82
RJ9830083The operation and reliability of urea dispensers to supplement sheep via drinking water.
RGA Stephenson
pp. 83-88