The Australian Rangeland Journal
Volume 1 Number 2 1976
RJ9780095Grazing distribution of free-ranging cattle at three sites in the Alice Springs District, Central Australia.
RM Hodder and WA Low
pp. 95-105
RJ9780106The effects of grazing and season on the stability of Chloris Spp. (Windmill grasses) in natural pasture at Trangie, New South Wales.
DL Michalk and PK Herbert
pp. 106-111
RJ9780112The Influence of Liveweight on Group Size and Mating Efficiency in a Ewe Flock in an Arid Grazing Environment.
HG Gardiner, DG Wilcox and JG Morrissey
pp. 112-116
RJ9780126A method for the analysis of piosphere data applicable to range assessment.
RD Graetz and JA Ludwig
pp. 126-136
RJ9780137Seasonal variations in the leaf fall and quality of the leaves of four Australian fodder trees.
JH Leigh, AD Wilson and WE Mulham
pp. 137-141
RJ9780142Infiltrometer studies in rangeland plant communities of the Northern Territory.
GF Gifford
pp. 142-149
RJ9780174General effects of management and grazing by domestic livestock on the rangelands of the Northern Tablelands of New South Wales.
RDB Whalley, GG Robinson and JA Taylor
pp. 174-190
RJ9780191Assessment of Ground Photography for Sampling an Atriplex vesicaria Hew. ex Benth. (Bladder Saltbush) Community.
JC Noble and CJ Totterdell
pp. 191-193
RJ9780194Regeneration of Gilgais in the Eastern Goldfields Region of Western Australia.
RB Hacker
pp. 194-196
RJ9780197A Portable Field Burner to Simulate Natural Fire Conditions.
JH Leigh, BC Bautovich and MD Holgate
pp. 197-199
RJ9780200Do economic factors cause change in productivity and stability in the New South Wales arid zone?
J.R. Anderson and PA Bruyn
pp. 200-203
RJ9780209Computer simulations of sheep grazing in the arid zone.
IR Noble and AR Harradine
pp. 209-209