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The Rangeland Journal The Rangeland Journal Society
Journal of the Australian Rangeland Society

The Cost of Aerial Baiting for Wild Dog Management in North-Eastern New South Wales.

JA Thompson and PJS Fleming

The Rangeland Journal 13(1) 47 - 56
Published: 1991


Aerial baitjng for the management of wild dogs in north-eastern New South Wales is carried out in nine Rural Lands Protection Board districts covering coastal and tablelands environments. A survey of participants in the 1988 aerial baiting programme costed the total operation at $106,152. Labour ($36,418) and helicopter hiring charges ($35,693) accounted for over 70 per cent of the costs borne by local and regional control authorities. A total of 24,285 kg of meat (approx. 105,500 baits) valued at $21,018 was used. The average cost of the programme was $4.21 per kg of bait used. Total baiting costs can be accurately predicted from bait quantity. The cost, to individual producers, of aerial baiting for wild dogs, when compared with expected livestock losses without this form of management, suggests that aerial baiting is cost-beneficial.

© ARS 1991

Committee on Publication Ethics

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