The post-fire regeneration responses of Triodia wiseana and T. basedowii.
NE Casson and JED Fox
The Australian Rangeland Journal
9(1) 53 - 55
Published: 1987
The difference between the regeneration responses of two Triodia species from Western Australia's Pilbara region could be exploited in establishing natural firebreaks. Little n known of the biology of most spinifex species. Observations on the post-fire regeneration of Triodia wiwam and I: bmedowii are reported from a study in the Pilbara. It was found that, in the early stages of post-fire growth and under certain conditions, ind~vidual plants of Triodia wiseam achieved a larger size than T hedowii plants. This was attributed to a sprouting response in the former.
© ARS 1987