Semen and oocyte collection, sperm cryopreservation and IVF with the threatened North American giant salamander Cryptobranchus alleganiensis
Dale McGinnity

A Ectotherm Department, Nashville Zoo at Grassmere, 3777 Nolensville Rd, Nashville, TN 37211, USA.
B Veterinary Department, Nashville Zoo at Grassmere, 3777 Nolensville Rd, Nashville, TN 37211, USA.
C Department of Biology, University of Ottawa, 75 Laurier Ave East, Ottawa, ON, K1N 6N5, Canada.
D Sustainability America, La Isla Road, Sarteneja, Corozal District, Belize.
E Corresponding author. Email:
Reproduction, Fertility and Development 34(5) 470-477
Submitted: 2 February 2021 Accepted: 27 June 2021 Published: 20 August 2021
Semen of high to moderate quality was collected following the hormonal induction of North American giant salamanders Cryptobranchus alleganiensis. Oocytes from one female yielded the first C. alleganiensis produced while maintained in aquaria under human care and the first externally fertilising salamander produced with cryopreserved spermatozoa and IVF. Further research is needed with North American giant salamanders to establish reliable techniques to produce large numbers of viable offspring, along with the application of cryopreserved spermatozoa.
Keywords: amphibian, breeding, conservation, hellbender, hormone, induction, propagation, reproduction.
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