Fibronectin type II-module proteins in the bovine genital tract and their putative role in cell volume control during sperm maturation
Evrim Sahin A B , Anna M. Petrunkina C F G , Mahnaz Ekhlasi-Hundrieser B , Christiane Hettel B , Dagmar Waberski A , Robin A. P. Harrison D and Edda Töpfer-Petersen E GA Clinic for Pigs and Small Ruminants, University of Veterinary Medicine Hannover, Foundation, Unit of Reproductive Medicine of the Clinics, Bünteweg 15, Hannover 30559, Germany.
B Clinic for Cattle, University of Veterinary Medicine Hannover, Foundation, Unit of Reproductive Medicine of the Clinics, Bünteweg 15, Hannover 30559, Germany.
C Clinic for Horses, University of Veterinary Medicine Hannover, Foundation, Unit of Reproductive Medicine of the Clinics, Bünteweg 15, Hannover 30559, Germany.
D 11 London Road, Great Shelford, Cambridge CB22 5DB, UK.
E Institute for Reproductive Biology, University of Veterinary Medicine Hannover, Foundation, Unit of Reproductive Medicine of the Clinics, Bünteweg 15, Hannover 30559, Germany.
F Cambridge Institute for Medical Research, University of Cambridge, Welcome Trust/MRC Building, Hills Road, Cambridge CB2 0XY, UK.
G Corresponding authors. Email:;
Reproduction, Fertility and Development 21(3) 479-488
Submitted: 30 September 2008 Accepted: 14 November 2008 Published: 4 March 2009
The male reproductive tract of ungulates contains two protein families bearing tandemly arranged fibronectin II (Fn2) modules; one (small Fn2 proteins) bears two modules (e.g. BSP–A1/2), the other (long Fn2 proteins) bears four (e.g. epididymal sperm-binding protein 1 (ELSPBP1)). While it is well known that small Fn2 proteins are present in bull semen, nothing is known about long Fn2 proteins. In the present study, the presence of ELSPBP1 proteins in the bull epididymis and their association with maturing spermatozoa were investigated using a specific antibody against canine ELSPBP1. Analysis of western blots showed ELSPBP1 to be present in the caput, corpus and cauda regions of the epididymis. The protein, which bound phosphorylcholine (PC) strongly, appeared to associate with the spermatozoa during maturation because it was absent from caput spermatozoa but present on cauda spermatozoa. Immunocytochemistry of cauda spermatozoa showed the protein to be bound to the post-acrosomal and midpiece regions. ELSPBP1 could not be detected on freshly ejaculated spermatozoa but was revealed after a capacitating treatment. Our previous studies have shown differences between bovine caput and cauda spermatozoa in terms of their ability to control cell volume. Because of the close homology of BSP–A1/2 PC binding regions with Fn2 regions in ELSPBP1, BSP–A1/2 was used as a model to investigate the effect of a PC-binding Fn2 protein on cell volume control. While the protein had no effect on cauda spermatozoa, it caused caput spermatozoa to swell more in response to hypotonic stress, similarly to untreated cauda spermatozoa.
The funding for the present work was generously provided by the Dr H. C. Karl Eibl Foundation (Neustadt/Aisch, Germany), the Development Association for Biotechnology Research (FBF, Bonn, Germany), and the PhD Program ‘Veterinary Research and Animal Biology’ (University of Veterinary Medicine Hannover, Germany).
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