Reproduction, Fertility and Development
Volume 4 Number 2 1992
RD9920135Some effects of feeding Tribulus terrestris, Ipomoea lonchophylla and the seed of Abelmoschus ficulneus on fetal development and the outcome of pregnancy in sheep
D Walker, A Bird, T Flora and B O'Sullivan
pp. 135-144
RD9920145Gonadotrophin-induced oestrus and ovulation in the polyovulatory marsupial Sminthopsis crassicaudata
JC Rodger, WG Breed and JH Bennett
pp. 145-152
RD9920153 Comparison of a swim-up technique with the Hamilton Thorn Motility Analyser for measurement of sperm velocity and motility
P Suttiyotin and CJ Thwaites
pp. 153-160
RD9920161Effects of the progesterone antagonist RU486 on myometrial activity in vivo in early pregnant and pseudopregnant rats
LH Crane and L Martin
pp. 161-166
RD9920167 Addition of superoxide dismutase and catalase does not necessarily overcome developmental retardation of one-cell mouse embryos during in-vitro culture
SR Payne, R Munday and JG Thompson
pp. 167-174
RD9920175Comparison of the SpermMar test with currently accepted procedures for detecting human sperm antibodies
DJ Kay and B Boettcher
pp. 175-181
RD9920183Characterization and autoradiographic localization of the epidermal growth factor receptor in the jejunum of neonatal and weaned pigs
D Kelly, M McFadyen, TP King and PJ Morgan
pp. 183-191
RD9920193 Effect of oxytocin on the pattern of electromyographic activity in the oviduct and uterus of the ewe around oestrus
CL Gilbert, PJ Cripps and DC Wathes
pp. 193-203
RD9920205Differential mRNA expression of the phosphoprotein p19/SCG10 gene family in mouse preimplantation embryos, uterus, and placenta
S Pampfer, W Fan, UK Schubart and JW Pollard
pp. 205-211
RD9920223Monoclonal anti-idiotypic antibody to progesterone with internal image properties
V Khole and U Hegde
pp. 223-230
RD9920231 Differential pituitary response to GnRH in pregnant Booroola-Assaf and Assaf ewes
E Gootwine, A Bor, D Shalhevet, A Zenou and R Braw-Tal
pp. 231-237
RD9920249Oviductal fluid protein patterns in the rhesus monkey (Macaca mulatta) during the menstrual cycle
A Paliwal, B Malaviya and VP Kamboj
pp. 249-257