Reproduction, Fertility and Development
Volume 3 Number 5 1991
RD9910519Pace-maker activity in the myometrium of the oestrous rat: in vivo studies using video-laparoscopy
LH Crane and L Martin
pp. 519-527
RD9910529Ovarian follicular dynamics and concentrations of oestradiol-17 beta, progesterone, luteinizing hormone and follicle stimulating hormone during the periovulatory phase of the oestrous cycle in the cow
H Kaneko, T Terada, K Taya, G Watanabe, S Sasamoto, Y Hasegawa and M Igarashi
pp. 529-535
RD9910537Detection of anti-ovarian antibodies by indirect immunofluorescence in patients with premature ovarian failure
R Kirsop, CR Brock, BG Robinson, RJ Baber, JV Wells and DM Saunders
pp. 537-541
RD9910543Peripheral concentrations of immunoreactive inhibin during pregnancy and parturition in the ewe
JK Findlay, BW Doughton and DL Russell
pp. 543-549
RD9910551Increased production of sheep embryos following superovulation of Merino ewes with a combination of pregnant mare serum gonadotrophin and follicle stimulating hormone
JP Ryan, JR Hunton and WM Maxwell
pp. 551-560
RD9910561Superovulation of Merino ewes with an ovine pituitary follicle stimulating hormone extract
HN Jabbour and G Evans
pp. 561-569
RD9910571Glucose utilization by sheep embryos derived in vivo and in vitro
JG Thompson, AC Simpson, PA Pugh, RW Wright and HR Tervit
pp. 571-576
RD9910577Relaxin and relaxin c-peptide levels in human reproductive tissues
AH MacLennan, P Grant and AC Borthwick
pp. 577-583
RD9910585Luteinizing hormone and follicle stimulating hormone induce premature condensation of chromatin in goat (Capra hircus) oocytes
J Kumar, JC Osborn and AW Cameron
pp. 585-591
RD9910593Growth in vitro and acquisition of meiotic competence after the cryopreservation of isolated mouse primary ovarian follicles
J Carroll, DG Whittingham and MJ Wood
pp. 593-599
RD9910601Oxygen concentration and protein source affect the development of preimplantation goat embryos in vitro
PA Batt, DK Gardner and AW Cameron
pp. 601-607
RD9910609Metabolism of fructose-1,6-bisphosphate by mature boar spermatozoa
AR Jones and MD Montague
pp. 609-613
RD9910621A simple rapid 4.5 M dimethyl-sulfoxide freezing technique for the cryopreservation of one-cell to blastocyst stage preimplantation mouse embryos
JM Shaw, L Diotallevi and AO Trounson
pp. 621-626