Opossum milk IgG is from maternal circulation and timing of transfer correlates with neonatal immune development
Bethaney D. Fehrenkamp A B , Kimberly A. Morrissey A and Robert D. Miller
A University of New Mexico, Biology Department, Center for Evolutionary and Theoretical Immunology, 1 University of New Mexico, MSC03-2020, Albuquerque, NM 87131-1091, USA.
B Corresponding author. Email: bfehrenk@unm.edu
Reproduction, Fertility and Development 31(7) 1246-1251 https://doi.org/10.1071/RD18121
Submitted: 29 March 2018 Accepted: 6 September 2018 Published: 12 November 2018
Marsupials, with short gestation times, have more complex and changing patterns of milk composition than eutherians. Maternal immunoglobulins (Ig) that confer immunity on offspring are among the components that change during marsupial lactation. In the present study we quantified the abundance of mammary transcripts encoding Ig heavy chains and their corresponding transporters in the laboratory opossum Monodelphis domestica. IgA transcripts were the most abundant in opossum mammary and, with IgM, increased in abundance linearly from birth to weaning. Similarly, the Fc receptor for IgA, the poly-Ig receptor, also increased in abundance throughout lactation. There were few transcripts for IgG or IgE within the opossum mammaries. This is in contrast with reports for Australian marsupial species. Transcripts for the Neonatal Fc Receptor (FcRN), which transports IgG, were detected throughout lactation, and opossum milk is known to contain IgG. Therefore, milk IgG is likely to be taken from the maternal circulation, rather than resulting from local production. There is a parallel increase in FcRN in the newborn gut that declines around the time when neonates have matured to the point where they can make their own IgG. These results are consistent with a transfer of maternal Ig that is coordinated with the development of the neonatal immune system.
Additional keywords: immunoglobulins, immunology, lactation, mammary gland, marsupial.
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