Attempts towards derivation and establishment of bovine embryonic stem cell-like cultures
Jakob O. Gjørret A B and Poul Maddox-Hyttel AA Department of Animal and Veterinary Sciences, Royal Veterinary and Agricultural University, Denmark.
B Corresponding author. Email:
Reproduction, Fertility and Development 17(2) 113-124
Submitted: 1 August 2004 Accepted: 1 October 2004 Published: 1 January 2005
Current knowledge on the biology of mammalian embryonic stem cells (ESC) is stunningly sparse in light of their potential value in studies of development, functional genomics, generation of transgenic animals and human medicine. Despite many efforts to derive ESC from other mammalian species, ESC that retain their capacity for germ line transmission have only been verified in the mouse. However, the criterion of germ line transmission may not need to be fulfilled for exploitation of other abilities of these cells. Promising results with human ESC-like cells and adult stem cells have nourished great expectations for their potential use in regenerative medicine. However, such an application is far from reality and substantial research is required to elucidate aspects of the basic biology of pluripotent cells, as well as safety issues associated with the use of such cells in therapy. In this context, methods for the derivation, propagation and differentiation of ESC-like cultures from domestic animals would be highly desirable as biologically relevant models. Here, we review previously published efforts to establish bovine ESC-like cells and describe a procedure used in attempts to derive similar cells from bovine Day 12 embryos.
The authors thank Dr Giovanna Lazzari for initial support to get started with the mechanical isolation of embryonic discs from late-stage bovine embryos. The authors also thank Dr Dean Betts for comments and suggestions during the preparation of this manuscript. Some of the work presented was supported by a research grant from the Danish Agricultural and Veterinary Research Council.
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