S. E. Dickinson A , J. A. Green A , T. W. Geary B , K. G. Pohler A , G. A. Bridges C and M. F. Smith AA University of Missouri, Columbia, MO, USA;
B USDA-ARS, Fort Keogh Livestock and Range Research Lab, Miles City, MT, USA;
C North Central Research and Outreach Center, Grand Rapids, MN, USA
Reproduction, Fertility and Development 28(2) 203-203 https://doi.org/10.1071/RDv28n2Ab147
Published: 3 December 2015
Inadequate oocyte competence is a potential explanation for reduced pregnancy rates and(or) embryonic/fetal mortality when small dominant follicles are induced to ovulate prematurely with gonadotropin releasing hormone (GnRH). Our hypothesis was that the physiological status of an ovulatory follicle has a direct effect on competence of the oocyte and resulting embryo. The objective was to determine if the transcriptome of oocytes differ depending on whether they are collected from small or large dominant follicles following a GnRH-induced gonadotropin surge. Suckled beef cows (n = 350) were pre-synchronized with a 5-day CIDR protocol. Following pre-synchronization, GnRH1 was administered on Day –9, prostaglandin F on Day –2, GnRH2 (to initiate the ovulatory process) on Day 0, and dominant follicles were transvaginally aspirated on Day 1 before follicular rupture. On Day 0, cows were divided into small (<11.7 mm; no oestrus expression), or large (>12.5 mm; no oestrus expression) groups based on dominant follicle diameter. Oocytes were individually collected after aspiration, and RNA was later extracted from pools of 4 oocytes (n = 6 oocyte pools from both small and large follicles) and sequenced on an Illumina HiSEqn 2000 (single reads, 100 bases; Illumina Inc., San Diego, CA, USA). The sequences were tiled against a ~23 500 member bovine transcript reference obtained from the National Center for Biotechnology Information (
Study was supported by AFRI Grant no. 2013–67015–21076 from the USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture (Washington, DC).