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Reproduction, Fertility and Development Reproduction, Fertility and Development Society
Vertebrate reproductive science and technology


M. C. Gómez, N. Kagawa, C. E. Pope, M. Kuwayama, S. P. Leibo and B. L. Dresser

Reproduction, Fertility and Development 20(1) 118 - 118
Published: 12 December 2007


The ability to cryopreserve female gametes efficiently holds immense economic and genetic implications. The purpose of the present project was to determine if domestic cat oocytes could be cryopreserved successfully by use of the Cryotop method. We evaluated (a) cleavage frequency after in vitro fertilization (IVF) v. intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) of in vivo- and in vitro-matured oocytes after vitrification, and (b) fetal development after transfer of resultant embryos into recipients. In vivo-matured cumulus–oocyte complexes (COCs) were recovered from gonadotropin-treated donors at 24 h after LH treatment, denuded of cumulus cells, and examined for the presence of the first polar body (PB). In vitro-matured COCs were obtained from ovaries donated by local clinics and placed into maturation medium for 24 h before cumulus cells were removed and PB status was determined. Oocytes were cryopreserved by the Cryotop method (Kuwayama et al. 2005 Reprod. Biomed. Online 11, 608–614) in a vitrification solution consisting of 15% DMSO, 15% ethylene glycol, and 18% sucrose. For IVF, oocytes were co-incubated with 1 × 106 motile spermatozoa mL–1 in droplets of modified Tyrode's medium in 5% CO2/air at 38°C (Pope et al. 2006 Theriogenology 66, 59–71). For ICSI, an immobilized spermatozoon was loaded into the injection pipette, which was then pushed through the zona pellucida into the ooplasm. After a minimal amount of ooplasm was aspirated into the pipette, the spermatozoon was carefully expelled, along with the aspirated ooplasm. After ICSI, or at 5 or 18 h post-insemination, in vivo- and in vitro-matured oocytes, respectively, were rinsed and placed in IVC-1 medium (Pope et al. 2006). As assessed by normal morphological appearance after liquefaction, the survival rate of both in vivo- and in vitro-matured oocytes was >90% (93–97%). For in vitro-matured oocytes, cleavage frequencies after IVF of control and vitrified oocytes were 73% (16/22) and 53% (30/57), respectively, as compared to 68% (19/28) after ICSI of vitrified oocytes (P > 0.05). For in vivo-matured oocytes, cleavage frequencies after IVF of control and vitrified oocytes were 55% (18/33) and 35% (6/17), respectively, compared to 50% (10/20) after ICSI of vitrified oocytes (P > 0.05). At 18–20 h after ICSI, 18 presumptive zygotes and four 2-cell embryos derived from vitrified in vitro-matured oocytes and 19 presumptive zygotes produced from seven in vivo-matured and 12 in vitro-matured vitrified oocytes were transferred by laparoscopy into the oviducts of two recipients at 24–26 h after oocyte retrieval. The two recipients were 9-month-old IVF/ET-derived females produced with X-sperm sorted by flow cytometry. At ultrasonography on Day 22, both recipients were pregnant, with three live fetuses observed in one recipient and one live fetus seen in the second recipient. On Day 63 and Day 66 of gestation, four live kittens were born, without assistance, to the two recipients. The one male and three female kittens weighed an average of 131 g. In summary, in vivo viability of zygotes/embryos produced by ICSI of cat oocytes vitrified by the Cryotop method was demonstrated by the birth of live kittens following transfer to recipients.

© CSIRO 2007

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