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Reproduction, Fertility and Development Reproduction, Fertility and Development Society
Vertebrate reproductive science and technology


R. Krisher, A. Auer, K. Clark, K. Emsweller, S. Rogers, K. Thomas, F. Chatiza and P. Bartels

Reproduction, Fertility and Development 19(1) 239 - 240
Published: 12 December 2006


The objective of this experiment was to develop in vitro embryo production (IVP) technologies in springbok (Antidorcas marsupialis), a southern African antelope. Springbok, a fairly common species on game farms in parts of South Africa, may be used as a model species for gamete rescue and IVP techniques to be applied to the conservation of other threatened antelope species. Springbok belong to the family bovidae, subfamily antilopinae, tribe antilopini, which comprises about twenty species in genera Gazella, Antilope, Procapra, Antidorcas, Litocranius, and Ammodorcas. In this tribe alone, there are 4 species or subspecies that are critically endangered, 3 that are endangered, and 10 that are considered vulnerable, demonstrating the need for antelope conservation efforts. In addition, our studies contributed to the South African biological resource bank, so that banked springbok semen and embryos might be used in the future for managed genetic contribution to isolated captive or wild populations via assisted reproductive technologies. Oocytes were recovered (3 replicates) from ovaries obtained at supervised culls for management purposes in South Africa, and cultured in defined Gmat or undefined TCM-199 with FCS maturation medium for 28-30 h (Brad et al. 2004 Reprod. Fertil. Dev. 16, 223). Oocytes were fertilized with frozen-thawed springbok epididymal spermatozoa in modified SOF fertilization medium with caffeine (Herrick et al. 2004 Biol. Reprod. 71, 948–958). Eighteen hours after insemination, a randomly selected subset of the zygotes were fixed to determine fertilization success. The remaining zygotes were cultured in G1/G2 media. On Day 7 of culture, embryos were analyzed for development to the morula or blastocyst stage. A total of 259 selected oocytes were collected from 50 females (5.2 selected oocytes/female on average). There was no difference in the percentage of oocytes normally fertilized (2 pronuclei, PN) between oocytes matured in Gmat (n= 43; 12%) and those matured in TCM-199 (n= 42; 10%). There were significantly (P < 0.05) more oocytes penetrated (e2 PN) when matured in TCM (50%) compared to Gmat (23%). There were no differences in embryonic cleavage or morula/blastocyst development (of total oocytes inseminated) between treatments (Gmat,n= 89, 54%, 9.0%; TCM-199, n= 85, 68%, 9.4%, respectively). In both treatments, the average blastocyst grade was 2.125 using the standard bovine grading system (Curtis, Cattle Embryo Transfer Procedure, 1991). In conclusion, in vitro oocyte maturation, fertilization, and embryo culture to the blastocyst stage is possible in springbok. Importantly, blastocysts can be produced in vitro under semi-defined conditions, demonstrating that oocyte maturation without serum does support developmental competence. This is important for the potential international movement of IVP embryos to be used for genetic management in the conservation of antelope species.

© CSIRO 2006

Committee on Publication Ethics

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