A ripple effect? The impact of obesity on sperm quality and function
Maria Inês Alfaiate A B , Renata Santos Tavares

Infertility affects approximately 15% of couples trying to conceive. Male-related causes account for roughly 50% of cases, with obesity emerging as a possible significant factor. Obesity, defined as a body mass index of 30.0 or higher, has become a widespread epidemic associated with numerous health issues, including a decrease of fertility. This review discusses the relationship between obesity and male infertility, particularly focusing on sperm quality and function. An overview of the literature suggests that obesity may influence the male reproductive system via disruptions in hormonal profiles, oxidative stress, and inflammation, leading to changes in sperm parameters. Several studies have discussed if obesity causes a decrease in sperm concentration, motility, and normal morphology, so far without a consensus being reached. However, available evidence suggests an impairment of sperm function in obese men, due to an increase in DNA damage and oxidative stress, impaired mitochondrial function and acrosome reaction in response to progesterone. Finally, the relationship between obesity and assisted reproductive technologies outcomes remains debatable, with conflicting evidence regarding the influence on fertilisation, pregnancy, and live birth rates. Therefore, the actual impact of obesity on human spermatozoa still needs to be clarified, due to the multiple factors potentially in play.
Keywords: assisted reproductive technologies, body mass index, fertilisation potential, male infertility, obesity, sperm function, sperm quality, spermatozoa.
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