IQ motif containing D (IQCD), a new acrosomal protein involved in the acrosome reaction and fertilisation
Peng Zhang
A Institute of Reproductive and Stem Cell Engineering, School of Basic Medicine, Central South University, Xiangya Road 88#, Changsha, Hunan Province, 410078, the People’s Republic of China.
B Reproductive and Genetic Hospital of CITIC – Xiangya, Xiangya Road 84#, Changsha, Hunan Province, 410078, the People’s Republic of China.
C Corresponding author. Email:
Reproduction, Fertility and Development 31(5) 898-914
Submitted: 25 July 2018 Accepted: 7 December 2018 Published: 4 February 2019
The acrosome is single, large, dense-core secretory granule overlying the nucleus of most mammalian spermatozoa. Its exocytosis, the acrosome reaction, is a crucial event during fertilisation. In this study we identified a new acrosome-associated gene, namely IQ motif containing D (IQCD), expressed nearly in multiple tissues with highest expression levels in the testis. In mouse testis, Iqcd transcript accumulated from Postnatal Day (PND) 1 to adulthood. However, expression of IQCD protein at the testicular development stage started primarily from PND 18 and increased in an age-dependent manner until plateauing in adulthood. IQCD was primarily accumulated in the acrosome area of round and elongating spermatids within seminiferous tubules of the testes during the late stage of spermiogenesis; this immunolocalisation pattern is similar in mice and humans. IQCD levels in spermatozoa were significantly lower in IVF patients with total fertilisation failure or a low fertilisation rate than in healthy men. Anti-IQCD antibody significantly inhibited the acrosome reaction and slightly reduced protein tyrosine phosphorylation levels in human spermatozoa, but specifically blocked murine IVF. IQCD interacted with mammalian homolog of C. elegans uncoordinated gene 13 (Munc13) in spermatozoa and may participate in acrosome exocytosis. In conclusion, this study identified a new acrosomal protein, namely IQCD, which is involved in fertilisation and the acrosome reaction.
Additional keyword: spermatid.
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