Effect of systemic progesterone concentration on the expression of progesterone-responsive genes in the bovine endometrium during the early luteal phase
R. E. McNeill A B , J. M. Sreenan A , M. G. Diskin A , M. T. Cairns B , R. Fitzpatrick A , T. J. Smith C and D. G. Morris A DA Animal Reproduction Department, Teagasc Research Centre, Athenry, Co. Galway, Ireland.
B National Diagnostics Centre, National University of Ireland, Galway, Ireland.
C National Centre for Biomedical Engineering Science, National University of Ireland, Galway, Ireland.
D Corresponding author. Email: dmorris@athenry.teagasc.ie
Reproduction, Fertility and Development 18(5) 573-583 https://doi.org/10.1071/RD05100
Submitted: 6 September 2005 Accepted: 22 February 2006 Published: 24 May 2006
Increasing evidence indicates an association between the concentration of systemic progesterone during the early luteal phase of the oestrous cycle and embryo survival rate in cattle. We examined the relationship between the concentration of systemic progesterone on Days 4 to 8 post-ovulation and expression of progesterone receptor (PGR), oestrogen receptor α (ESR1) and retinol-binding protein (RBP) mRNA in the bovine endometrium. Heifers were blood sampled from the day of ovulation (Day 0) to Day 8 post-ovulation. On Day 4, animals were divided into low progesterone control (LC) and high progesterone control (HC) groups based on their plasma progesterone concentrations. Half of each group was supplemented with exogenous progesterone resulting in two further groups, low progesterone supplemented (LS) and high progesterone supplemented (HS). Endometrial tissues were recovered from all groups on Day 6 or Day 8 and gene expression was analysed following Northern blotting. Increasing progesterone concentrations were associated with decreased PGR and ESR1 expression. Duration-dependent effects of progesterone supplementation on ESR1 were evident and there was an effect of systemic progesterone concentrations between Day 0 and Day 4 on the expression of RBP at Days 6 and 8. Such progesterone-responsive changes in uterine gene expression are likely to affect embryo development.
Extra keywords: gene expression, oestrogen, retinol-binding protein, uterus.
This work was funded by the Teagasc Walsh Fellowship scheme and BioResearch Ireland. The authors acknowledge the skilled technical assistance of P. Joyce, W. Connolly, J. Nally, G. Morris, G. Burke and P. Crevan for care of the animals and Ms A. Glynn for her invaluable assistance with the progesterone assays.
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