A model for the function of sperm DNA degradation
Monika A. Ward A † and W. Steven Ward A BA 1960 East-West Road, Institute for Biogenesis Research, John A. Burns School of Medicine, University of Hawaii, Honolulu, HI 96822, USA.
B To whom correspondence should be addressed. email: wward@hawaii.edu
Reproduction, Fertility and Development 16(5) 547-554 https://doi.org/10.1071/RD03072
Submitted: 7 October 2003 Accepted: 26 November 2003 Published: 22 July 2004
In this review, we present our recent evidence suggesting, but not yet proving, that mammalian spermatozoa contain a mechanism by which they can digest their own DNA when exposed to a stressful environment. We discuss our recent data that demonstrate that when mammalian spermatozoa are treated in a variety of ways, the paternal chromosomes in the zygote, or the sperm DNA itself, are degraded into large, chromosome-sized fragments. These published data support the existence of nuclease activity in spermatozoa. We suggest that this nuclease activity is part of a mechanism the spermatozoon uses when it encounters a stressful environment to prevent fertilisation and to avoid the transmission of potentially damaged DNA to the embryo. We propose a model based on sperm chromatin structure by which this nuclease can digest the highly condensed sperm chromatin.
This work was supported by NIH Grant HD28501 to W. S. W. and the Harold K. Castle Foundation, the Hawaii State Biomedical Research Infrastructure Network (NIH P20 RR16467) and Victoria S. and Bradley L. Geist Foundation (20031970) grants to M.A.W.
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† Monika A. Ward previously published under the name of Monika A. Szczygiel.