Society for Reproductive Biology Founders’ Lecture 2003. The making of an embryo: short-term goals and long-term implications
Tom P. Fleming A B , Adrian Wilkins A , Andrew Mears A , Daniel J. Miller A , Fay Thomas A , M. Reza Ghassemifar A , Irina Fesenko A , Bhavwanti Sheth A , Wing Yee Kwong A and Judith J. Eckert AA Division of Cell Sciences, School of Biological Sciences, University of Southampton, Bassett Crescent East, Southampton SO16 7PX, UK.
B To whom correspondence should be addressed. email:
Reproduction, Fertility and Development 16(3) 1-13
Submitted: 29 September 2003 Accepted: 11 February 2004 Published: 30 April 2004
During early development, the eutherian mammalian embryo forms a blastocyst comprising an outer trophectoderm epithelium and enclosed inner cell mass (ICM). The short-term goal of blastocyst morphogenesis, including epithelial differentiation and segregation of the ICM, is mainly regulated autonomously and comprises a combination of temporally controlled gene expression, cell polarisation, differentiative cell divisions and cell–cell interactions. This aspect of blastocyst biogenesis is reviewed, focusing, in particular, on the maturation and role of cell adhesion systems. Early embryos are also sensitive to their environment, which can affect their developmental potential in diverse ways and may lead to long-term consequences relating to fetal or postnatal growth and physiology. Some current concepts of embryo–environment interactions, which may impact on future health, are also reviewed.
Extra keywords: blastocyst, cell adhesion, compaction, environmental factors, fetal programming, inner cell mass, systolic blood pressure, tight junctions, trophectoderm.
We are grateful to the Medical Research Council and the Wellcome Trust for financial support of research within the laboratory of T. P. F.
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