Insulin-like growth factor binding proteins in follicular fluid from morphologically distinct healthy and atretic bovine antral follicles
H. F. Irving-Rodgers A , K. D. Catanzariti A , M. Master B , P. A. Grant A , P. C. Owens A and R. J. Rodgers A CA Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, University of Adelaide, Adelaide, SA 5005, Australia.
B Department of Medicine, Flinders University, Bedford Park, SA 5042, Australia.
C To whom correspondence should be addressed. email:
Reproduction, Fertility and Development 15(4) 241-248
Submitted: 5 February 2003 Accepted: 24 June 2003 Published: 13 August 2003
In bovine follicles 2–5 mm in diameter, two morphologically distinct types of healthy follicles and two types of atretic follicles have been described recently. Healthy follicles either have columnar basal granulosa cells with follicular basal lamina composed of many layers or ‘loops’ or they have rounded basal cells with a conventional single-layered, aligned follicular basal lamina. In atretic follicles, cell death either commences at the basal layer and progresses to the antrum (basal atresia) with macrophage penetration of the membrana granulosa or death progresses from the antrum in a basal direction (antral atresia). Little is known about how these different phenotypes develop. To determine whether insulin-like growth factor binding protein (IGFBP) levels in follicular fluid differ between these different types of follicles, we measured IGFBP levels in fluids from these follicles. A total of 61 follicles were assessed by light microscopy and characterized by morphological analysis as either healthy, with columnar or rounded basal granulosa cells, or as undergoing antral or basal atresia. The IGFBP concentration in the follicular fluid of individual follicles from the four groups (n = 12–20 per group) was identified by Western ligand blots using 125I-insulin-like growth factor (IGF)-II as a probe. Insulin-like growth factor binding proteins 2, 3 (44 and 40 kDa), 4 (glycosylated and non-glycosylated) and 5 were observed. The levels (per volume of fluid) of IGFBPs 2, 4 and 5 were greater in atretic follicles than in healthy follicles. However, there were no statistical differences in levels of each IGFBP between either the two types of healthy follicle or between the two types of atretic follicles. Thus, IGFBP levels are not related to the different types of healthy or atretic follicles.
Extra keywords: cattle
This research was supported by the National Health and Medical Research Council of Australia, Adelaide University and the Research Council of Australia.
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