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Vertebrate reproductive science and technology

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Cryopreservation and other assisted reproductive technologies for the conservation of threatened amphibians and reptiles: bringing the ARTs up to speed

John Clulow A B and Simon Clulow A
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- Author Affiliations

A School of Environmental and Life Sciences, University of Newcastle, Callaghan, NSW 2308, Australia.

B Corresponding author. Email:

Reproduction, Fertility and Development 28(8) 1116-1132
Submitted: 10 November 2015  Accepted: 6 May 2016   Published: 1 June 2016

74 articles found in Crossref database.

Generation of reproductively mature offspring from the endangered green and golden bell frog
Upton Rose, Clulow Simon, Calatayud Natalie E., Colyvas Kim, Seeto Rebecca G. Y., Wong Lesley A. M., Mahony Michael J., Clulow John
Reproduction, Fertility and Development. 2021 33(9). p.562
Efficacy of hormone stimulation on sperm production in an alpine amphibian (Anaxyrus boreas boreas) and the impact of short-term storage on sperm quality
Langhorne Cecilia J., Calatayud Natalie E., Kouba Carrie K., Willard Scott T., Smith Theodore, Ryan Peter L., Kouba Andrew J.
Zoology. 2021 146 p.125912
Cryopreservation of Sperm from an Endangered Snake with Tests of Post-Thaw Incubation in Caffeine
Sandfoss Mark R., Cantrell Jessica, Roberts Beth M., Reichling Steve
Animals. 2022 12(14). p.1824
Amphibian Sperm Chromatin Structure and Function and Its Relevance to Sperm Preservation
Pollock Kate, Gosálvez Jaime, López-Fernández Carmen, Johnston Stephen D.
Journal of Herpetology. 2018 52(4). p.486
Ecological Civilisation and Amphibian Sustainability through Reproduction Biotechnologies, Biobanking, and Conservation Breeding Programs (RBCs)
Browne Robert K., Luo Qinghua, Wang Pei, Mansour Nabil, Kaurova Svetlana A., Gakhova Edith N., Shishova Natalia V., Uteshev Victor K., Kramarova Ludmila I., Venu Govindappa, Vaissi Somaye, Taheri-Khas Zeynab, Heshmatzad Pouria, Bagaturov Mikhail F., Janzen Peter, Naranjo Renato E., Swegen Aleona, Strand Julie, McGinnity Dale, Dunce Ilze
Animals. 2024 14(10). p.1455
Sperm collection and storage for the sustainable management of amphibian biodiversity
Browne Robert K., Silla Aimee J., Upton Rose, Della-Togna Gina, Marcec-Greaves Ruth, Shishova Natalia V., Uteshev Victor K., Proaño Belin, Pérez Oscar D., Mansour Nabil, Kaurova Svetlana A., Gakhova Edith N., Cosson Jacky, Dyzuba Borys, Kramarova Ludmila I., McGinnity Dale, Gonzalez Manuel, Clulow John, Clulow Simon
Theriogenology. 2019 133 p.187
Influence of extracellular environment on the motility and structural properties of spermatozoa collected from hormonally stimulated Panamanian Golden Frog (Atelopus zeteki)
Della Togna Gina, Gratwicke Brian, Evans Matthew, Augustine Lauren, Chia Han, Bronikowski Ed, Murphy James B., Comizzoli Pierre
Theriogenology. 2018 108 p.153
Preventing Further Frog Extinctions And Initiating De-Extinctions
Mollard Richard
Science Trends. 2018
Biomaterials repositories: the science and business of biobanking
Herrick Jason R., Mastromonaco Gabriela, Songsasen Nucharin, Comizzoli Pierre
Reproduction, Fertility and Development. 2016 28(8). p.iii
Implementation of a method for sperm cryopreservation in sceloporine lizards
Sánchez-Rivera Uriel Á, Medrano Alfredo, Cruz-Cano Norma B, Alcántar-Rodríguez Alicia, Dávila-Govantes Rodrigo, Castro-Camacho Yabín J, Martínez-Torres Martín, Cooke Steven
Conservation Physiology. 2022 10(1).
Biobanking in amphibian and reptilian conservation and management: opportunities and challenges
Strand Julie, Thomsen Helena, Jensen Julie B., Marcussen Cecilie, Nicolajsen Trine B., Skriver Mathias B., Søgaard Isabella M., Ezaz Tariq, Purup Stig, Callesen Henrik, Pertoldi Cino
Conservation Genetics Resources. 2020 12(4). p.709
Exceptional long-term sperm storage by a female vertebrate
Levine Brenna A., Schuett Gordon W., Booth Warren, Schlatt Stefan
PLOS ONE. 2021 16(6). p.e0252049
Generation of a sexually mature individual of the Eastern dwarf tree frog, Litoria fallax, from cryopreserved testicular macerates: proof of capacity of cryopreserved sperm derived offspring to complete development
Upton Rose, Clulow Simon, Mahony Michael J, Clulow John
Conservation Physiology. 2018 6(1).
Cell culture and karyotypic description of Pseudophryne coriacea (Keferstein, 1868) (Amphibia, Anura) from the New South Wales Central Coast
Mollard Richard, Mahony Michael
Comparative Cytogenetics. 2023 17 p.263
Integrating biobanking minimises inbreeding and produces significant cost benefits for a threatened frog captive breeding programme
Howell Lachlan G., Frankham Richard, Rodger John C., Witt Ryan R., Clulow Simon, Upton Rose M. O., Clulow John
Conservation Letters. 2021 14(2).
Recent advances in reproductive research in Australia and New Zealand: highlights from the Annual Meeting of the Society for Reproductive Biology, 2022
Green Ella S., Chan Hon Y., Frost Emily, Griffiths Meaghan, Hutchison Jennifer, Martin Jacinta H., Mihalas Bettina P., Newman Trent, Dunleavy Jessica E. M., Martin Graeme
Reproduction, Fertility and Development. 2024 36(4).
First successful artificial insemination of a reptile using frozen-thawed semen.
Sandfoss Mark R., Schwartz Tonia S., Lindsey Alexis, Wigman Gary, Mihalevich Palmer, Reichling Steve, Roberts Beth M.
Theriogenology Wild. 2024  p.100112
Insights on sperm assays and cryopreservation in six Neotropical pit vipers
Blank M.H., Novaes G.A., Losano J.D.A., Sant’Anna S.S., Vieira S.E.M., Grego K.F., Pereira R.J.G.
Cryobiology. 2022 106 p.55
Resurrecting biodiversity: advanced assisted reproductive technologies and biobanking
Bolton Rhiannon L, Mooney Andrew, Pettit Matt T, Bolton Anthony E, Morgan Lucy, Drake Gabby J, Appeltant Ruth, Walker Susan L, Gillis James D, Hvilsom Christina
Reproduction and Fertility. 2022 3(3). p.R121
Ethical assessment of genome resource banking (GRB) in wildlife conservation
Biasetti Pierfrancesco, Mercugliano Elena, Schrade Lisa, Spiriti Maria Michela, Göritz Frank, Holtze Susanne, Seet Steven, Galli Cesare, Stejskal Jan, Colleoni Silvia, Čižmár Daniel, Simone Raffaella, Hildebrandt Thomas B., de Mori Barbara
Cryobiology. 2024 117 p.104956
Short‐term cold storage of seminal samples of the golden lancehead pitviper (Bothrops insularis)
da Silva Kalena Barros, Frediani Mayra Hespanhol, Angrimani Daniel de Souza Ramos, Coeti Rafaela Zani, Pereira Ricardo José Garcia, Nichi Marcílio, de Almeida‐Santos Selma Maria
Zoo Biology. 2021 40(3). p.256
Cloning in action: can embryo splitting, induced pluripotency and somatic cell nuclear transfer contribute to endangered species conservation?
Swegen Aleona, Appeltant Ruth, Williams Suzannah A
Biological Reviews. 2023 98(4). p.1225
Reproductive Sciences in Animal Conservation (2019)
Comizzoli Pierre, Brown Janine L., Holt William V.
Antibiotics for the refrigerated storage at 4 °C of hormonally induced European сommon frog (Rana temporaria) spermatozoa
Kaurova Svetlana A., Browne Robert K., Uteshev Victor K.
Theriogenology Wild. 2022 1 p.100009
Resetting the paradigm of reproductive science and conservation
Rodger John C., Clulow John
Animal Reproduction Science. 2022 246 p.106911
Refrigerated storage of European common frog Rana temporaria oocytes
Uteshev Victor K., Gakhova Edith N., Kramarova Ludmila I., Shishova Natalia V., Kaurova Svetlana A., Browne Robert K.
Cryobiology. 2018 83 p.56
Cryopreservation of spermatozoa obtained postmortem from the European common frog
Kaurova Svetlana A., Uteshev Victor K., Gapeyev Andrew B., Shishova Natalia V., Gakhova Edith N., Browne Robert K., Kramarova Ludmila I.
Reproduction, Fertility and Development. 2021 33(9). p.588
La pandemia de COVID-19 como oportunidad para poner de relieve la migración de los trabajadores agrícolas a través de la cobertura mediática
Șerban Monica , Croitoru Alin
Estudios Geográficos. 2022 83(293). p.e111
The ethical assessment of Assisted Reproductive Technologies (ART) in wildlife conservation
de Mori Barbara, Mercugliano Elena, Biasetti Pierfrancesco, Pollastri Ilaria, Spiriti Maria Michela, Florio Daniela, Andreucci Francesco, Göritz Frank, Holtze Susanne, Galli Cesare, Stejskal Jan, Colleoni Silvia, Lazzari Giovanna, Seet Steven, Zwilling Jan, Ndeereh David, Lekolool Isaac, Ngulu Stephen, Mijele Dominic, Čižmár Daniel, Simone Raffaella, Schrade Lisa, Basile Simone, Hildebrandt Thomas B.
Biological Conservation. 2024 290 p.110423
Optimal cooling rates for sperm cryopreservation in a threatened lizard conform to two-factor hypothesis of cryo-injury
Campbell Lachlan, Clulow John, Doody J. Sean, Clulow Simon
Cryobiology. 2021 103 p.101
Common goals, different stages: the state of the ARTs for reptile and amphibian conservation
Clulow Simon, Clulow John, Marcec-Greaves Ruth, Della Togna Gina, Calatayud Natalie E., Yuan Ye
Reproduction, Fertility and Development. 2022 34(5). p.i
Applying soft matter techniques to solve challenges in cryopreservation
Bryant Saffron J., Elbourne Aaron, Greaves Tamar L., Bryant Gary
Frontiers in Soft Matter. 2023 3
Perry Sean Michael, Konsker Ian, Lierz Michael, Mitchell Mark A.
Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine. 2019 50(3). p.557
Recovering an endangered frog species through integrative reproductive technologies
Calatayud N.E., Jacobs L.E., Williams C.L., Steiner C.C., Shier D.M.
Theriogenology. 2022 191 p.141
Generation of juvenile rainbow trout derived from cryopreserved whole ovaries by intraperitoneal transplantation of ovarian germ cells
Lee Seungki, Katayama Naoto, Yoshizaki Goro
Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications. 2016 478(3). p.1478
Cryopreservation of grey wolf (Canis lupus) testicular tissue
Andrae Christopher S., Oliveira Erika C.S., Ferraz Marcia A.M.M., Nagashima Jennifer B.
Cryobiology. 2021 100 p.173
Comparison of Cryoresistance of Testicular and Urinal Spermatozoa of the Toad Bufo bufo (Amphibia, Anura, Bufonidae) during Slow Freezing
Shishova N. V., Kaurova S. A., Uteshev V. K., Gakhova E. N.
Inland Water Biology. 2023 16(4). p.788
New Weapons in the Toad Toolkit: A Review of Methods to Control and Mitigate the Biodiversity Impacts of Invasive Cane Toads (Rhinella Marina)
Tingley Reid, Ward-Fear Georgia, Schwarzkopf Lin, Greenlees Matthew J., Phillips Benjamin L., Brown Gregory, Clulow Simon, Webb Jonathan, Capon Robert, Sheppard Andy, Strive Tanja, Tizard Mark, Shine Richard
The Quarterly Review of Biology. 2017 92(2). p.123
Development of assisted reproductive technologies for the conservation of Atelopus sp. (spumarius complex)
Naranjo Renato E., Naydenova Elena, Proaño-Bolaños Carolina, Vizuete Karla, Debut Alexis, Arias Marbel Torres, Coloma Luis A.
Cryobiology. 2022 105 p.20
Comparison of Cryoresistance of Testicular and Urinal Spermatozoa of the Toad Bufo bufo (Amphibia, Anura, Bufonidae) during Slow Freezing
Shishova N. V., Kaurova S. A., Uteshev V. K., Gakhova E. N.
Биология внутренних вод. 2023 4(4). p.570
Ethical Analysis of the Application of Assisted Reproduction Technologies in Biodiversity Conservation and the Case of White Rhinoceros (Ceratotherium simum) Ovum Pick-Up Procedures
Biasetti Pierfrancesco, Hildebrandt Thomas B., Göritz Frank, Hermes Robert, Holtze Susanne, Galli Cesare, Lazzari Giovanna, Colleoni Silvia, Pollastri Ilaria, Spiriti Maria Michela, Stejskal Jan, Seet Steven, Zwilling Jan, Ngulu Stephen, Mutisya Samuel, Kariuki Linus, Lokolool Isaac, Omondo Patrick, Ndeereh David, de Mori Barbara
Frontiers in Veterinary Science. 2022 9
Differential success in obtaining gametes between male and female Australian temperate frogs by hormonal induction: A review
Clulow John, Pomering Melissa, Herbert Danielle, Upton Rose, Calatayud Natalie, Clulow Simon, Mahony Michael J., Trudeau Vance L.
General and Comparative Endocrinology. 2018 265 p.141
Modelling Genetic Benefits and Financial Costs of Integrating Biobanking into the Captive Management of Koalas
Howell Lachlan G., Johnston Stephen D., O’Brien Justine K., Frankham Richard, Rodger John C., Ryan Shelby A., Beranek Chad T., Clulow John, Hudson Donald S., Witt Ryan R.
Animals. 2022 12(8). p.990
Severe wildfires promoted by climate change negatively impact forest amphibian metacommunities
Beranek Chad T., Hamer Andrew J., Mahony Stephen V., Stauber Andrew, Ryan Shelby A., Gould John, Wallace Samantha, Stock Sarah, Kelly Oliver, Parkin Thomas, Weigner Rudolf, Daly Garry, Callen Alex, Rowley Jodi J. L., Klop‐Toker Kaya, Mahony Michael
Diversity and Distributions. 2023 29(6). p.785
Red hot frogs: identifying the Australian frogs most at risk of extinction
Geyle Hayley M., Hoskin Conrad J., Bower Deborah S., Catullo Renee, Clulow Simon, Driessen Michael, Daniels Katrina, Garnett Stephen T., Gilbert Deon, Heard Geoffrey W., Hero Jean-Marc, Hines Harry B., Hoffmann Emily P., Hollis Greg, Hunter David A., Lemckert Frank, Mahony Michael, Marantelli Gerry, McDonald Keith R., Mitchell Nicola J., Newell David, Roberts J. Dale, Scheele Ben C., Scroggie Michael, Vanderduys Eric, Wassens Skye, West Matt, Woinarski John C. Z., Gillespie Graeme R.
Pacific Conservation Biology. 2021 28(3). p.211
Initial collection, characterization, and storage of tuatara (Sphenodon punctatus) sperm offers insight into their unique reproductive system
Lamar Sarah K., Nelson Nicola J., Moore Jennifer A., Taylor Helen R., Keall Susan N., Ormsby Diane K., Schlatt Stefan
PLOS ONE. 2021 16(7). p.e0253628
Paradoxical population resilience of a keystone predator to a toxic invasive species
Doody J. Sean, Rhind David, Clulow Simon
Wildlife Research. 2020 47(3). p.260
Assisted breeding technology in the saltwater crocodile
Johnston Stephen D., Lever John, McLeod Robby, Qualischefski Edward, Madrigal-Valverde Monica, Nixon Brett
Reproduction, Fertility and Development. 2021 33(9). p.503
Sperm cryopreservation in an Australian skink (
Hobbs Rebecca J., Upton Rose, Keogh Leesa, James Karen, Baxter-Gilbert James, Whiting Martin J.
Reproduction, Fertility and Development. 2021 34(5). p.428
Efficacy of short-term cold storage prior to cryopreservation of spermatozoa in a threatened lizard
Campbell Lachlan, Clulow John, Howe Belinda, Upton Rose, Doody Sean, Clulow Simon
Reproduction, Fertility and Development. 2021 33(9). p.555
Prolonged hypothermic storage of oocytes of the European common frog Rana temporaria in a gas mixture of oxygen and carbon monoxide
Gagarinskiy Evgeniy, Uteshev Viktor, Fesenko Eugeny, Kues Wilfried A.
PLOS ONE. 2023 18(7). p.e0288370
First successful artificial insemination of the endangered Louisiana pinesnake, Pituophis ruthveni
Roberts Beth M., Sandfoss Mark R., Schwartz Tonia S., Lindsey Alexis, Hinkson Kristin M., Reichling Steven B.
Zoo Biology. 2024 43(2). p.178
Reptile assisted reproductive technologies: can ART help conserve 300 million years of evolution by preserving extant reptile biodiversity?
Perry Sean M., Mitchell Mark A., Clulow Simon
Reproduction, Fertility and Development. 2021 34(5). p.385
Opportunities and Limitations for Reproductive Science in Species Conservation
Holt William V., Comizzoli Pierre
Annual Review of Animal Biosciences. 2022 10(1). p.491
A model protocol for the cryopreservation and recovery of motile lizard sperm using the phosphodiesterase inhibitor caffeine
Campbell Lachlan, Cafe Shenae L, Upton Rose, Doody J Sean, Nixon Brett, Clulow John, Clulow Simon, Cooke Steven
Conservation Physiology. 2020 8(1).
Electrostimulation is an effective and safe method for semen collection in medium-sized lizards
López Juri Guadalupe, Chiaraviglio Margarita, Cardozo Gabriela
Theriogenology. 2018 118 p.40
Development of an amphibian sperm biobanking protocol for genetic management and population sustainability
Burger Isabella J, Lampert Shaina S, Kouba Carrie K, Morin Dana J, Kouba Andrew J, Cooke Steven
Conservation Physiology. 2022 10(1).
Scientific Foundations of Zoos and Aquariums (2019)
Hobbs Rebecca J., O’Brien Justine K., Spindler Rebecca E.
Cryopreservation of Reproductive Cells and Embryos of Laboratory, Agricultural and Wild Animals
Kopeika Eugeniy F., Petrushko Maryna P., Piniaiev Volodymyr I., Yurchuk Taisiia O., Pavlovich Olena V., Mikson Konstantin B., Butskyi Kyrylo I., Hapon Hanna O., Puhovkin Anton Yu.
Problems of Cryobiology and Cryomedicine. 2019 29(1). p.003
Semen collection and ejaculate characteristics of the Leopard Tortoise (Stigmochelys pardalis)
Zimmerman Dawn M, Mitchell Mark A
Conservation Physiology. 2017 5(1).
Fertilization potential of cold-stored Fowler’s toad (
Arregui Lucia, Kouba Andy J., Germano Jennifer M., Barrios Laura, Moore Marian, Kouba Carrie K., Clulow John
Reproduction, Fertility and Development. 2021 34(5). p.461
Effects of Exogenous Human Chorionic Gonadotropin Administration on Plasma Testosterone and Semen Production in the Veiled Chameleon (Chamaeleo calyptratus)
Perry Sean M., Camlic Sarah R., Lierz Michael, Mitchell Mark A.
Journal of Herpetological Medicine and Surgery. 2023 33(3).
Assisted reproductive technologies for endangered species conservation: developing sophisticated protocols with limited access to animals with unique reproductive mechanisms
Herrick Jason R
Biology of Reproduction. 2019 100(5). p.1158
Toxicity of cryoprotective agents to semen from two closely related snake species: The endangered Louisiana pinesnake (Pituophis ruthveni) and bullsnake (Pituophis cantenifer)
Sandfoss Mark R., Whittington Oliver M., Reichling Steve, Roberts Beth M.
Cryobiology. 2021 101 p.20
Impacts of invasive cane toads on an Endangered marsupial predator and its prey
Doody JS, McHenry C, Rhind D, Gray C, Clulow S
Endangered Species Research. 2021 46 p.269
Island of opportunity: can New Guinea protect amphibians from a globally emerging pathogen?
Bower Deborah S, Lips Karen R, Amepou Yolarnie, Richards Stephen, Dahl Chris, Nagombi Elizah, Supuma Miriam, Dabek Lisa, Alford Ross A, Schwarzkopf Lin, Ziembicki Mark, Noro Jeffrey N, Hamidy Amir, Gillespie Graeme R, Berger Lee, Eisemberg Carla, Li Yiming, Liu Xuan, Jennings Charlotte K, Tjaturadi Burhan, Peters Andrew, Krockenberger Andrew K, Nason Dillian, Kusrini Mirza D, Webb Rebecca J, Skerratt Lee F, Banks Chris, Mack Andrew L, Georges Arthur, Clulow Simon
Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment. 2019 17(6). p.348
Reproductive Sciences in Animal Conservation (2019)
Clulow J., Upton R., Trudeau V. L., Clulow S.
The Increasing Role of Short-Term Sperm Storage and Cryopreservation in Conserving Threatened Amphibian Species
Anastas Zara M., Byrne Phillip G., O’Brien Justine K., Hobbs Rebecca J., Upton Rose, Silla Aimee J.
Animals. 2023 13(13). p.2094
Integrating biobanking could produce significant cost benefits and minimise inbreeding for Australian amphibian captive breeding programs
Howell Lachlan G., Mawson Peter R., Frankham Richard, Rodger John C., Upton Rose M. O., Witt Ryan R., Calatayud Natalie E., Clulow Simon, Clulow John
Reproduction, Fertility and Development. 2021 33(9). p.573
Karyotypic description and comparison of Litoria (L.) paraewingi (Watson et al., 1971), L. ewingii (Duméril et Bibron, 1841) and L. jervisiensis (Duméril et Bibron, 1841) (Amphibia, Anura)
Mollard Richard, Mahony Michael, West Matt
Comparative Cytogenetics. 2024 18 p.161
Conserving Panamanian harlequin frogs by integrating captive-breeding and research programs
Lewis Carrie H.R., Richards-Zawacki Corinne L., Ibáñez Roberto, Luedtke Jennifer, Voyles Jamie, Houser Paul, Gratwicke Brian
Biological Conservation. 2019 236 p.180
Sperm cryopreservation in the Burmese python
Young Carly, Ravida Nicole, Rochford Michael, Mazzotti Frank, Curtis Michelle, Durrant Barbara
Reproduction, Fertility and Development. 2021 34(5). p.401
Oliveri Matteo, Bartoskova Alena, Spadola Filippo, Morici Manuel, di Giuseppe Marco, Knotek Zdenek
Journal of Exotic Pet Medicine. 2018 27(2). p.75
The Role of Reproductive Technologies in Amphibian Conservation Breeding Programs
Silla Aimee J., Byrne Phillip G.
Annual Review of Animal Biosciences. 2019 7(1). p.499

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