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Comparison of two approaches to nuclear transfer in the bovine: hand-made cloning with modifications and the conventional nuclear transfer technique

R. Tayfur Tecirlioglu A D E , Melissa A. Cooney A D , Ian M. Lewis B , Natasha A. Korfiatis A D , Renee Hodgson B D , Nancy T. Ruddock A D , Gábor Vajta C , Shara Downie B D , Alan O. Trounson A , Michael K. Holland A D and Andrew J. French A D
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A Centre for Early Human Development, Monash Institute of Medical Research, Monash University, Clayton, Victoria 3800, Australia.

B Genetics Australia Co-operative Ltd, PO Box 195, Bacchus Marsh, Victoria 3340, Australia.

C Danish Institute of Agricultural Sciences, Postboks 50, 8830 Tjele, Denmark.

D Cooperative Research Centre for Innovative Dairy Products (CRC-IDP), Melbourne, Victoria 3000, Australia.

E Corresponding author. Email:

Reproduction, Fertility and Development 17(5) 573-585
Submitted: 11 October 2004  Accepted: 5 April 2005   Published: 23 May 2005

46 articles found in Crossref database.

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