Australian Journal of Primary Health
Volume 24 Number 2 2018
PY17170What are the professional development needs for GPs and midwives associated with the new perinatal mental health guidelines?
Suzanne Willey, Rebecca Fradkin, Melanie Gibson-Helm, Nicole Highet and Jacqueline Anne Boyle
pp. 99-100
PY17088Models of nutrition-focused continuing education programs for nurses: a systematic review of the evidence
Holly Mitchell, Catherine Lucas, Karen Charlton and Anne McMahon
pp. 101-108
PY17088 Abstract | PY17088 Full Text | PY17088PDF (193 KB) Open Access Article
PY17082The power of talk and power in talk: a systematic review of Indigenous narratives of culturally safe healthcare communication
Warren Jennings, Chelsea Bond and Peter S. Hill
pp. 109-115
PY17082 Abstract | PY17082 Full Text | PY17082PDF (174 KB) | PY17082Supplementary Material (418 KB) Open Access Article
PY17070HealthNavigator: a mobile application for chronic disease screening and linkage to services at an urban Primary Health Network
Martin G. Seneviratne, Fred Hersch and David P. Peiris
pp. 116-122
PY17105Enhancing general practice referrals for women of refugee background to maternity care
Dannielle Vanpraag, Wendy Dawson, Bianca Bell, Elisha Riggs, Jo Szwarc, Stephanie Brown, John Furler, Sue Casey, Glyn Teale and Jane Yelland
pp. 123-129
PY17093Selecting a location for a primary healthcare facility: combining a mathematical approach with a Geographic Information System to rank areas of relative need
Yevgeni Dudko, Dennis E. Robey, Estie Kruger and Marc Tennant
pp. 130-134
PY17039Process redesign of a surgical pathway improves access to cataract surgery for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in South East Queensland
Lisa Penrose, Yvette Roe, Natalie A. Johnson and Erica L. James
pp. 135-140
PY17099Knowing and telling: how African-Australians living with chronic hepatitis B understand hepatocellular carcinoma risk and surveillance
Nicole Allard, Jon Emery, Benjamin Cowie and John Furler
pp. 141-148
PY17056A randomised controlled trial of a brief intervention for illicit drug use linked to ASSIST screening in a primary healthcare setting: results from the Australian component of the World Health Organization Phase III ASSIST studies
Rachel Humeniuk, David A. L. Newcombe, Victoria Dennington and Robert Ali
pp. 149-154
PY17152Changes in health services usage associated with insulin initiation in primary care
Samuel Johnson, Sharmala Thuraisingam, John Furler and Jo-Anne Manski Nankervis
pp. 155-161
PY17064Association of health literacy with type 2 diabetes mellitus self-management and clinical outcomes within the primary care setting of Iran
Marzieh Niknami, Ali Mirbalouchzehi, Iraj Zareban, Elahibakhsh Kalkalinia, Gasem Rikhtgarha and Hassan Hosseinzadeh
pp. 162-170
PY17120Supporting primary care nurses to work at an advanced level through changing practices’ organisational governance
Kirsty Forsdike, Tracy Ann Murphy and Kelsey Hegarty
pp. 171-176
PY17060General health, wellbeing and oral health of patients older than 75 years attending health assessments
Dominic Keuskamp, Najith Amarasena, Madhan Balasubramanian and David S. Brennan
pp. 177-182
PY17043An exploration of the experiences of Australian Grey Nomads travelling with chronic conditions
Kaara Ray B. Calma, Elizabeth Halcomb and Moira Stephens
pp. 183-188
PY17026Factors influencing integrated wellbeing in older Chinese outpatients with chronic diseases
Fei Huang and Hongyu Li
pp. 189-195