Australian Journal of Primary Health
Volume 23 Number 1 2017
PYv23n1_ED1Improving processes that underpin Australian primary health care
Lauren Ball
pp. i-ii
PY16096Indicators for continuous quality improvement for otitis media in primary health care for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children
Beverly Sibthorpe, Jason Agostino, Harvey Coates, Sharon Weeks, Deborah Lehmann, Marianne Wood, Francis Lannigan and Daniel McAullay
pp. 1-9
PY16096 Abstract | PY16096 Full Text | PY16096PDF (127 KB) Open Access Article
PY16005Out-of-pocket healthcare expenditure and chronic disease – do Australians forgo care because of the cost?
Emily J. Callander, Lisa Corscadden and Jean-Frederic Levesque
pp. 15-22
PY16036Factors associated with duration of inpatient hospital stay for patients with diabetes mellitus admitted to a medical unit in a community public hospital
Melissa H. Lee, Lillianne Liprino, Jeffrey Brooks, Brenda Cayzer, Fiona Weedon, Kate Bermingham, Alicia J. Jenkins, Kevin Rowley and David N. O'Neal
pp. 23-30
PY16017The influence of funding models on collaboration in Australian general practice
Susan McInnes, Kath Peters, Andrew Bonney and Elizabeth Halcomb
pp. 31-36
PY15115Understanding patient access patterns for primary health-care services for Aboriginal and Islander people in Queensland: a geospatial mapping approach
K. S. Panaretto, A. Dellit, A. Hollins, G. Wason, C. Sidhom, K. Chilcott, D. Malthouse, S. Andrews, J. Mein, B. Ahkee and R. McDermott
pp. 37-45
PY15115 Abstract | PY15115 Full Text | PY15115PDF (1.1 MB) Open Access Article
PY15105Association between patient age, geographical location, Indigenous status and hospitalisation for oral and dental conditions in Queensland, Australia
Liam Caffery, Natalie Bradford, Maria Meurer and Anthony Smith
pp. 46-52
PY16038Using logic models to enhance the methodological quality of primary health-care interventions: guidance from an intervention to promote nutrition care by general practitioners and practice nurses
Lauren Ball, Dianne Ball, Michael Leveritt, Sumantra Ray, Clare Collins, Elizabeth Patterson, Gina Ambrosini, Patricia Lee and Wendy Chaboyer
pp. 53-60
PY16004Preconception weight management: an untapped area of women's health
Skye McPhie, Helen Skouteris, Lynne Millar, Craig Olsson, Karen Campbell, Paige van der Pligt, Jodie Dodd and Briony Hill
pp. 61-65
PY15177Improving follow-up care for women with a history of gestational diabetes: perspectives of GPs and patients
Andrew V. R. Pennington, Sharleen L. O'Reilly, Doris Young and James A. Dunbar
pp. 66-74
PY15189The AgED Study. Age-related eye disease (AgED) in South Australian general practice: are we blind to early detection and intervention?
Chelsea Guymer, Robert Casson, Cate Howell and Nigel Stocks
pp. 75-79
PY16020Acceptability of general practice services for Afghan refugees in south-eastern Melbourne
Prashanti Manchikanti, I-Hao Cheng, Jenny Advocat and Grant Russell
pp. 87-91
PY15187Newly arrived refugee children with Helicobacter pylori are thinner than their non-infected counterparts
Jill Benson, Razlyn Abdul Rahim and Rishi Agrawal
pp. 92-96
PY15172Manufactured home villages in Australia – a melting pot of chronic disease?
Karin Robinson, Abhijeet Ghosh and Elizabeth Halcomb
pp. 97-103