Australian Journal of Primary Health
Volume 22 Number 1 2016
Commissioning in Primary Healthcare: The Rhetoric and the Reality
PY15039Commissioning: perspectives from the ground
Paresh Dawda, Angelene True and Leanne Wells
pp. 5-8
PY15037Something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue? Reviewing the evidence on commissioning and health services
Suzanne Robinson, Helen Dickinson and Learne Durrington
pp. 9-14
PY15040Children and young people in out-of-home care: canaries in the coal mine of healthcare commissioning
Susan M. Webster
pp. 15-21
PY15036Commissioning for healthcare: a case study of the general practitioners After Hours Program
Karen Carlisle, Rhonda Fleming and Alison Berrigan
pp. 22-25
PY15038A strategy to reposition the South Australian health system for quality and value
Sinéad O'Brien, Nicola Edge and Simon Clark
pp. 26-33
PY15164Commissioning in New Zealand: learning from the past and present
Jacqueline Cumming
pp. 34-39
PY15148A rapid review of the impact of commissioning on service use, quality, outcomes and value for money: implications for Australian policy
Karen Gardner, G. Powell Davies, Karen Edwards, Julie McDonald, Terry Findlay, Rachael Kearns, Chandni Joshi and Mark Harris
pp. 40-49
PY15148 Abstract | PY15148 Full Text | PY15148PDF (239 KB) | PY15148Supplementary Material (327 KB) Open Access Article
PY15149Regional health workforce planning through action research: lessons for commissioning health services from a case study in Far North Queensland
Annette June Panzera, Richard Murray, Ruth Stewart, Jane Mills, Neil Beaton and Sarah Larkins
pp. 63-68