Australian Journal of Primary Health
Volume 13 Number 3 2007
PY07032 Partnership Management: Working Across Organisational Boundaries
Rae Walker, Jonathan Pietsch, Lisa Delaney, Barry Hahn, Carolyn Wallace and Kitty Billings
pp. 9-16
PY07033It Takes More Than a Practice Visit: Effective General Practice Engagement
Monica Bensberg, Julie Sutherland and Christine Crosby
pp. 17-21
PY07034Community Capacity Building for Health Promotion: Lessons from a Regional Australian Initiative
Mary-Louise Fleming, Helen Higgins, Neville Owen, Alexandra Clavarino, Wendy Brown, Jacqui Lloyd and Trish Gould
pp. 22-28
PY07036Challenges and Benefits of Implementing a Chronic Disease Self-management Program in an Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Setting
PA Abbott, JE Davison and LF Moore
pp. 35-39
PY07037Wellbeing, Job Satisfaction and Commitment among Australian Community Health Workers: The Relationship with Working Conditions
Andrew Noblet, Cary Cooper, John McWilliams and Annette Rudd
pp. 40-48
PY07038Intensive Case Management in Suicide Attempters Following Discharge from Psychiatric Care
Diego De Leo and Travis Heller
pp. 49-58
PY07040Blood-borne Viruses and Risk Behaviours among Injecting Drug Users Recruited from Needle and Syringe Programs in Victoria's Eastern Metropolitan Region
Megan SC Lim, Kavitha Sundaram, Campbell K Aitken and Margaret E Hellard
pp. 69-76
PY07041The National Mental Health Strategy: Redefining Promotion and Prevention in Mental Health?
Julie Henderson
pp. 77-84
PY07042Congregate Housing for Old People: The Importance of the Physical Environment
Britt-Maj Wikström
pp. 85-90