Australian Journal of Primary Health
Volume 12 Number 1 2006
PY06002"Are We There Yet?" - Consumer Participation in Mental Health Services
Graeme Browne and Mary Courtney
pp. 8-13
PY06003An innovative Multi-disciplinary Diabetes Complications Screening Program in a Rural Community: A Description and Preliminary Results of the Screening
Herbert F Jelinek, Clare Wilding and Paul Tinely
pp. 14-20
PY06005Australian Parents' Reasons for Attending a GP when their Child has Upper Respiratory Tract Symptoms: An Exploratory Pilot Study
Hannah Stoddart, Emily Hansen and Mark Nelson
pp. 27-32
PY06006Genetic Counselling as a Developing Healthcare Profession: A Case Study in the Queensland Context
JGR Kromberg, J Parkes and S Taylor
pp. 33-39
PY06007Attitudes to, and Use of, Evidence-based Medicine in two Sydney Divisions of General Practice
Joanne L Callen, Kate Fennell and Jean H McIntosh
pp. 40-46
PY06008Mapping GP Integration in the Health Care System in Difference Locations in Australia
David Dunt, Donna Souther, Gerald Elsworth, Claire Harris, Maria Potiriadis and Doris Young
pp. 47-55
PY06009The Importance of the 'Family Meeting' in Health Care Communication with Indigenous People: Findings from an Australian study
Pam McGrath, Mary Anne Patton, Hamish Holewa and Robert Rayne
pp. 56-64
PY06010Responding to the Health and Disability Service Needs of People Ageing with Spinal Cord Injury: Implications from an Australian Study
Kiley Pershouse, Pim Kuipers, Delena Amsters and Glenda Price
pp. 65-72
PY06011 Towards a Measure of Function for Home and Community Care Services in Australia: Part 1 - Development of a Standard National Approach
Kathy Eagar, Alan Owen, Nicholas Marosszeky and Roslyn Poulos
pp. 73-81
PY06012Towards a Measure of Function for Home and Community Care Services in Australia: Part 2 - Evaluation of the Screening Tool and Assessment Instruments
Janette Green, Kathy Eagar, Alan Owen, Rob Gordon and Karen Quinsey
pp. 82-90
PY06013Economic Evaluation of the Good Life Club Intervention for Diabetes Self-Management
Duncan Mortimer and Jill Kelly
pp. 91-100
PY06014Book Reviews: 'Health Promotion Practice: Power and Empowerment', 'Occupational Health and Safety: International Influences and the ?New? Epidemics'
Sansnee Jirojwong and Bernadette Sebar
pp. 106-109