Australian Journal of Primary Health
Volume 15 Number 3 2009
Part 1: Partnerships in Primary Health Care
PY09007Partnership approaches, regional structures and primary health care reform
Libby Kalucy
pp. 188-192
PY09016Gold Coast Primary Care Partnership Council: partnership and innovation that makes a difference
Matt Carrodus and Marcia Dwonczyk
pp. 194-195
PY09013Towards an integrated service response to the link between legal and health issues
Mary Anne Noone
pp. 203-211
PY08070Understanding the effectiveness of partnership-based early childhood interventions
Margaret Kelaher, Judith Gray and David Dunt
pp. 218-224
PY09001The why and how of partnerships: policy and governance foundations
Jenny M. Lewis
pp. 225-231
PY09009Potential scope and impact of a transboundary model of nurse practitioners in aged care
Kasia Bail, Paul Arbon, Marlene Eggert, Anne Gardner, Sonia Hogan, Christine Phillips, Nicole van Dieman and Gordon Waddington
pp. 232-237
PY08073Feasibility and sustainability of a model of multidisciplinary case conferencing in residential aged care
Elizabeth J. Halcomb
pp. 238-243
PY08072Australian primary mental health care: improving access and outcomes
Justine R. Fletcher, Jane E. Pirkis, Bridget Bassilios, Fay Kohn, Grant A. Blashki and Philip M. Burgess
pp. 244-253
PYv15n3_BR1Mental Health Across Cultures: A Practical Guide for Health Professionals
Reviewed by Lindsay B. Carey and Tara Smark
pp. 257-259