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Australian Journal of Primary Health Australian Journal of Primary Health Society
The issues influencing community health services and primary health care

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health

This virtual issue focusses on research papers involving Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health which have been published in Australian Journal of Primary Health in the last ten years from around the country. We have included research papers which respond to community health priorities, and were authored by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. Included papers used a variety of research methods including qualitative, quantitative, geospatial mapping, and systematic review methodology.

A key message these research papers convey is the importance of community-driven, culture strengthening interventions in primary health care settings.

Geoffrey Spurling, Catrina Felton-Busch and Sarah Larkins

Last Updated: 26 Oct 2018

PYv24n5_EDAboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health

Geoffrey Spurling, Catrina Felton-Busch and Sarah Larkins
pp. i-ii