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Australian Journal of Primary Health Australian Journal of Primary Health Society
The issues influencing community health services and primary health care

The impact of the impact evaluation: Evaluation of the HIV/AIDS Women's Project 1998

Pam Price and Katherine Leane

Australian Journal of Primary Health 5(3) 65 - 70
Published: 1999


The HIV/AIDS Women's Project (Women's Health Statewide) was established under the auspices of Women's Health Statewide and is supported by a reference group which meets monthly to oversee the work of the Project. The role of the Project is to enhance the health and wellbeing of HIV-positive women and their families in South Australia. In 1998 a consultant was employed to review the role and effectivness of this Project in the HIV/AIDS sector. The evaluation soon evolved beyond its review and evaluation roles, identifying the complex work of the Project and broadening the understanding of women's perspectives in the context of the HIV/AIDS epidemic in South Australia. This paper explores the evaluation process and comments on the effects that participation in the review process has had on both HIV-positive women who participated in the evaluation and on the future work of the Project.

© La Trobe University 1999

Committee on Publication Ethics

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